
Multiverse of Destiny: Chapter 16

Sunny Sorbet
2 min readAug 5, 2022

I stride back to the water spigot to refill the Starbucks cup, returning with a fresh cup of water. I hand the drink to him. He takes a gulp and then holds the tattered cup in both hands, surveying me. He takes a deep breath, places his face in his hand, wipes the sweat off his brow, and loosens his cherry blossom tie.

We sit in the shade quietly. Lots of questions are flooding through my head.

Had he gone through a Gateway, too, just like I had? If so, are there many people like me who know about these places, like the white wooden swing by the pond? How many people can enter a completely different reality and come back?

I came to the wooden swing by the pond for a specific purpose. Did this man have a motive for being here, too? Was he my reason for coming here?

Is he sick because of the Gateway or because of simple heatstroke?

I could be making all of this up. He could just be a man who has had too much sun. The only way I can know for sure is to ask him.

“So…what happened?” I query.

His eyes are closed, and he opens them slowly, turning his head to me. He laughs.

“Ok. Yeah, this is kind of a weird thing to happen.” He takes a breath.

“I was at a funeral today. Whew. I know I spent some time in the sun at the cemetery, but I didn’t realize how hot it got today. A black suit didn’t help. I felt okay, though, when I left.”

I nod my head, listening to his story. He continues.

“I was driving back to the city when I suddenly felt sick. I had to pull the car over. Otherwise, I was going to puke all over the dashboard. I got out and stood along the white fence for a minute. That’s when I saw you sitting here. You were lost in your thoughts because you didn’t even notice me. I walked up to you; then, I guess I blacked out.” He pauses.

“Hey, thanks for helping me.”

He smiles at me and takes another sip of the coffee-flavored water in the Starbucks cup. I smile.

Ok, so he doesn’t know about the Gateway here. It is all a chance happening. Or not?



Sunny Sorbet

The Multiverse…Alternative Worlds…Parallel Universes. Award-winning author Sunny Sorbet’s epic fantasy flash fiction series, “Multiverse of Destiny.”