Soggy Paper Napkins

Multiverse of Destiny: Chapter 78

Sunny Sorbet
2 min readNov 8, 2022

Bruhhhhhh…Kah-chunk. Kah-chunk. Kah-chunk. Ice pieces fly into the paper 12-ounce cup. Anne grabs a handful of paper napkins from the dispenser and walks down the narrow product aisle of the deserted gas station store, by-passing over-priced candy bars, and chips.

“You’re back,” Alex smiles from behind the clerk’s counter. He looks at the cup full of ice and the scraped-up bump on her forehead. “Oh….ouch! Just take the ice. What happened?”

“Thanks, Alex. I fell on the rocks at Fossil Creek,” she responds.

“Are you headed back to Phoenix now?” he asks. “If you are around tonight, would you be interested in hanging out — maybe having a couple of beers?”

“I think I’ll stop off at Dad’s and visit for a bit. Give me your number, and I’ll text you if I’m still around tonight,” Anne asks and they exchange phone numbers.

Anne wraps a few flimsy paper napkins around pieces of ice and places the improvised cold pack on her forehead.

“See you around,” she says and walks out the gas station door.

“Okay, explain a few things to me,” Anne asks the bearded young man now sitting next to her in the Jeep.

“Alright…” Jeremy responds.

“Why am I experiencing this? Why are you? Why are we in the dreams together? I’ve not had these dreams…these nightmares… before.”

“Well, first. Stop calling them dreams. These multiverses that we travel to are as real a dimension as this one.”

“But, I talked to a chess pawn piece in a castle. Seriously. That’s ridiculous. That’s impossible,” She quips with a sarcastic laugh.

“Hm.” Jeremy looks at the woman holding a soggy paper napkin to her forehead. “Maybe life is different from how you’d always known it. Is that possible?”



Sunny Sorbet

The Multiverse…Alternative Worlds…Parallel Universes. Award-winning author Sunny Sorbet’s epic fantasy flash fiction series, “Multiverse of Destiny.”