You Are Missing So Much

Multiverse of Destiny: Chapter 70

Sunny Sorbet
2 min readOct 27, 2022
You Are Missing So Much, art by Sunny Sorbet using Midjourney AI

Rey and Anne sit in the restaurant, their hands clasped together on the table. They had just kissed. Anne could feel the aliveness and electricity of their hands touching. They both sit quietly, earnestly looking at each other.

“Can I get you anything else?” A voice cuts in, “A slice of fresh strawberry pie, perhaps?”

Their server stands at their table, restlessly looking for an answer from them and eager to drop off the bill.

They both shake their heads no in answer. Rey takes the check, and the server carries on with her work.

“You were saying that yesterday that guy, Jeremy, wanted to prove something to you?” Rey asks.

Anne nods and continues her story.

“You can prove we were both transported magically to some alternate universe?” Anne asks.

“Yes,” Jeremy answers matter-of-factly.

Anne is stupified. She doesn’t know whether to believe him because he knows about her bluebird dream or to tell him to get some help. She decides on the latter.

“A rainbow-colored hippie bus just about ran you over and killed you,” Anne says, thinking about the looniness of that sentence. She scoffs, “If I were a religious person, I’d be trying to get you to think about your salvation.”

Anne sighs, “You’ve just gone through a very harrowing and life-threatening experience. Maybe you should go home and get some rest. I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

“No. You are not listening to me, Anne.” he pauses and then says almost under his breath with a sigh, “You don’t believe me.”

“How can someone believe such absurdities?” She interrupts him.

Her voice is rising in frustration, but she forces herself to remain calm. He seems desperate and discouraged.

“What are you doing today…right now?” Jeremy asks.

“I’m looking for a job today,” Anne hastily fabricates and then continues. “I was laid off from work yesterday.”

“Wow, that sucks,” he says.

“Yeah, it does,” Anne says.

“Come with me,” he urges. “My jeep is parked right outside. I’ll show you how I move around in our amazing world. You are missing so much.”

Did she dare go with this lunatic? Even though he was always an odd duck, he’d never seemed to be dangerous. She finally gives in.

“What the hell…why not.”

There were questions on her mind that needed answering. What is life without a bit of risk from time to time?

Click on this link to start at the beginning of the Multiverse of Destiny series.

I’m a new writer and artist, so please support me if you like my work!

Story and art © Sunny Sorbet, 2022



Sunny Sorbet

The Multiverse…Alternative Worlds…Parallel Universes. Award-winning author Sunny Sorbet’s epic fantasy flash fiction series, “Multiverse of Destiny.”