Create Your Own ‘’Possibility’’

Soul Instincts
3 min readMar 3, 2018


Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

When they tell you ‘’it is impossible’’, create your own ‘’possibility’’ and do it your way!

I realize that there are times when you have to listen to good advice, however, there are also times when you have to trust yourself, listen to your inner voice and accomplish the things that you know you can do, deep inside. In life, there are going to be a lot of people telling what you should do, either in a friendly way or in a demotivating one. Some of them are going to believe you profoundly, in contrast, some of them are just going to pretend to. You will feel alone when you are with some of them and others are going to make you feel really appreciated and valued. These people are going to be around us throughout our life but you should just know that we are all alone on our own journey. I mean, your dreams are yours alone.

Photo by Chris Leggat on Unsplash

Now stop for a while and think. Have you ever felt demotivated just because someone told you that the things you want to do are impossible or they are not your cup of tea? I think most of us have experienced it once in a lifetime. I say ‘’experience’’ because I believe that these kinds of things or thoughts change us and our mentality somehow. This is all to say, if you have someone around you saying that you will never accomplish anything in life, it means they are going to change your life forever. So glad we have them anyway! This is a really harsh thing to tell someone, it may be devastating but it can be a thing triggering you to create your own reality and possibility to make your dreams come true.

Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities — always see them, for they’re always there.

- Norman Vincent Peale

Heretofore, I have gone through some of these thoughts in addition to the people that have these thoughts, in deep down. I can say that it is honestly harsh to get disappointed when you don’t hear what you expect from others and it makes you feel like a dead duck. Nevertheless, at this point, not to get demotivated is the best choice. Keep going with the people who support you indeed. By the way, I don’t mean ignoring the different ideas by other people but we need to learn how to manage not to get demotivated due to some opposite thoughts. We need to make these opposite ideas into a magnificent possibility mindset. We should avoid our own roadblocks as well.

When they think that you are on the wrong side of the road, never doubt it and continue down the road to find your own ‘’truth’.’ They will try to bring you down but they will never succeed in holding you back!

Photo by Bethany Legg on Unsplash

Thanks for reading!

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Soul Instincts

Self Improvement, Productivity, Psychology. Believe in the person you want to become. Contact: