Solar Walk. Event Horizon (5 of 7)

Roman Popov
1 min readOct 4, 2017


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Finally, you are here, at the doorstep of eternity. The event horizon is an imaginary line that only the brave have crossed, no information, not even the light itself can return once beyond this border. Are you ready to give up all you ever knew, all you loved, who you are? You remember one particular day when the school was on the summer break. Sun warmed your skin ever so gently, and the endless, bottomless blue skies unfurled above as you laid on the soft grass. It felt like you could fall upwards into the heavens. Are you ready to abandon this all and never come back to your home, the Earth?
You look at the huge pitch-black sphere with heavily distorted borders that covered half of the observable sky. Here or there a spark of Hawking radiation appears along the event horizon as pairs of quantum particles come into existence and immediately part ways: one goes into the black hole and the other one into our Universe.
You hesitate for what seems like an eternity, but then again — why come all this way to turn away in the end? You reluctantly slip past the line of no return. And millions of invisible hands start pulling you down and around.

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