“I’m an Entrepreneur and I have this great idea…”

Uncertainty is natural

2 min readJul 21, 2015

You see yourself as an entrepreneur right? Then you’ve definitely had that feeling of uncertainty before. “Is my idea good enough?”. “Has anybody else thought of this before?”. “If nobody’s doing this, why not?”. These are only some of the questions every entrepreneur faces when trying to figure out if an idea makes for a worthwhile pursuit.

What to do

The only trustworthy source of help an entrepreneur can turn to, is their network. A strong network consisting of other entrepreneurs, VC’s and bloggers, helps you see through the eyes of many (As long as it’s the right network).

What makes entrepreneurial interaction much better than “classroom learning”, is the fact that other entrepreneurs are able to adapt much quicker to what’s happening in the real world. We’d prefer working with a street-smart entrepreneur over an MBA graduate, any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

But what about my idea…

If you’re reading this, then you’ve definitely been here before! Most Entrepreneurs have about 10 “great” ideas every single day. Some of these ideas stick. Others don’t. Without a strong value network, the ideas that didn’t stick can probably see themselves as lucky :-).

The standard response to any question regarding an idea will usually read something like this: “It’s not about the idea, but about the execution”. That makes sense, but it wasn’t really helpful was it?

The reason why it wasn’t helpful is because the interaction between two great minds was facilitated by a platform, not built to stimulate your sort of pioneering thought process. An ever evolving idea/concept, cannot be effectively discussed with your network through a Q & A platform. You’re potentially changing the world…It’s very personal and the platform that you use to discuss your ideas, should enhance your creativity, not kill it.

Using the wrong tool for a job is never effective. Sometimes we are using a platform just because a)we are not aware that it should be done better and b)It’s the only tool at our disposal

Make your life easier

The spryng platform changes the status-quo Q & A environment, by enabling realtime two-way communication between pioneering entrepreneurs from around the globe. Your learning pool just became that much bigger!

We are currently taking on a limited amount of users for a private preview. Available spots are running out quickly. Don’t get stuck wondering on your next idea. Request access to our private preview today and jump-start your pioneering process. Life is just that much simpler when you give yourself a competitive advantage.




A mobile app helping you meet other entrepreneurially minded people. Discuss — and share your ideas with pioneers like you. It’s simply beautiful