Metastatic prostate cancer treatment is available in our new Cyberknife center SRC Sigulda. Males in Latvia and nearest countries have access to robotic surgery for prostate cancer with the latest model of robotic stereotactic radiosurgery technology Cyberknife — Cyberknife M6. Model CyberKnife M6 differs from previous models with its many options for modifications and possibilities for adapting the form of the radiation field. Prostate cancer is curable disease at the early stage, so it is important to diagnose and start treatment as soon as possible. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type in the whole world after skin cancer. Also it is the second most common diagnosed type of cancer in males in Latvia. This disease occurs only men, so men after 45 have to be very careful and not only check general state of health but also PSA blood level at least once a year. When males get older they need to check PSA level, even if they feel healthy and they think that nothing is wrong. Usually below 4 ng/ml PSA level is normal value for healthy men. If PSA level is higher then men should be careful, because it could mean that they have prostate cancer or other disease which affect PSA level. Males have to look after their health state and notice any symptoms of prostate cancer or metastatic prostate cancer.

Metastatic prostate cancer

Prostate cancer starts in a gland of the prostate. If prostate cancer cells spread to other body parts, for example to bones, hips and spine, then this is called metastasized prostate cancer. Even if prostate cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, it is still prostate cancer. For example, if prostate cancer metastasis to bone, it is still prostate cancer, not bone cancer. Very often males don’t know that they had prostate cancer all entire life, because prostate cancer is very slow growing disease. When men have diagnosed prostate cancer, they have different possibilities of treatment. Every man has a right to know about all treatment options and they can choose the best for them. Cyberknife treatment, a modern non-invasive treatment method is comparable with the medical capabilities in the European Union, the United States, and other developed countries. Now this modern prostate cancer treatment method now is available also in Latvia in SRC Sigulda. Robotic surgery for prostate cancer with Cyberknife system offers to men several advantages — there are no incisions, anesthesia is not required and there is no blood loss.

Cyberknife — robotic surgery for prostate cancer

The treatment process with Cyberknife — painless procedures and short treatment time, maximum comfort during the procedures and even patients can go home on the same day. Firstly, painless procedures means that it does not involve surgical intervention and during the procedure, patients will not require anesthesia. Secondly, short treatment time means that when specialists say that treatment with CyberKnife is the most appropriate treatment method for you, only 1 to 2 weeks will be necessary to the procedure for manipulations and preparation. Also patients can go home after a treatment session. SRC Sigulda was opened on 24 November 2015. The main task of Stereotactic Radiotherapy Center in Sigulda main task is to help people to fight against cancers and offers treatment with Cyberknife. Opening of SRC Sigulda was an important event not only for Latvia but also for the Baltic States and other nearest countries.

How can men know that they may have prostate cancer? Frequently men with early prostate cancer don’t have any symptoms. Some symptoms of prostate cancer: needing to urinate more often than usual, straining or taking a long time to finish urinating, a feeling that you’re not emptying, needing to rush to the toilet, dribbling urine after you finish. When prostate cancer metastasis, symptoms can also be: pain in hips or back. But every men should remember that these symptoms immediately don’t mean that they have a prostate cancer.

