How Animals Teach Us Lesson In Love, Death, Life and Everything In Between.

4 min readDec 18, 2022


We have heard many times from people that “Just stop behaving like animals” or “You are becoming an animal”. But have you ever thought that really? And if so, what’s wrong with it? Now many people will say why it is not wrong, we are human beings, and they have some rules. Our way of life is different. We teach people values. You can only learn to misbehave with animals and nothing else. But I say that no it is not like that at all. Rather, we can learn a lot more from animals, or I can say that maybe sometimes nor a human can even teach. We love animals and they love us. They teaches us lessons in love, death, life, and everything in between. The relationship between us and the animals is different from all, the love between us is different from all. There is a very beautiful and lovely relationship that cannot be described in words. This relationship can only be understood by those who love animals very much. In loneliness, sometimes they become our best friends who may never have been ours before. If we have a pet, then we do not give it a place like an animal but like a family in our home and life. And the moments we live with them, the memories we make have different importance in our lives. Yes, I agree that we are not able to understand their language, but while living with them, we get to know their heart, we get to know their love and animals also understand the language of love. The more love we give to them, the more they will love us in return or say more than that.

How Animals Teach Us Lesson In Love and Death? We all know that when it comes to caring, the first word that comes to mind is “Parents” and why not, we also know that no one can worry about their child more than them. But this thing is not limited only to us humans, animals also have a lot of affection when it comes to care and concern, then no one can leave them behind. I have read many such stories and seen on social media how an animal takes care of its child. If you have ever heard about a monkey, then if its child dies in an accident, it will carry its body with it for days, weeks, months, and even until the body of its child decomposes. Means it doesn’t end even after death.

Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

How Animals Helps People Battle Depression and Anxiety? In today’s era, everyone knows that science has made life so easy, but it is also known that along with it, many types of diseases are being faced by human beings every day. This Means that there is a life of comfort on this side, on the other side every day a person is dealing with depression and anxiety. Then what is the need, we need to be happy, to find happiness in every moment of life, and believe me, the animals (dog, cat) raised in your home can help you a lot in this. Because they will not let you sit empty. Running after them all the time, taking care of them, taking them outside so that they and along with them you can also breathe in the open and fresh air and feel refreshed yourself. When you are not empty at all, then from where will you get the time to waste time on useless things and to be depressed.


In today’s busy times, people have forgotten to live for themselves. Just keep running after success and forget to give time to yourself and your family, yes I believe success is very important and without it, there is nothing in life. But forgetting everything and running after success, it is said that is injustice. Today there is a need to give time and love to ourselves and our loved ones, that too is necessary, isn’t it? Today there is a need to be happy, to sit quietly for a few moments and enjoy life. Life is very short my friend, there is no assurance of life when it will end, be happy. Learn from animals how to enjoy life without any worries and be happy

Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash




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