Trust-Less 2020 Summit Videos — Part 2

1 min readFeb 2, 2020


If you’re looking for Part 1, see here.

The Economics & Taxation of Block Rewards: Getting the Terminology Right — Abraham Sutherland (University of Virginia Law School, Adjunct Professor)
Building on DeFi x Staking Derivatives: Opportunities Squared! — Marouane Hajji (CEO of Unslashed)
The Design and Risk of Staking Derivatives (with IDEO) — Gavin McDermott
Validator Taxes Spreadsheet: How To Track & Calculate Your Taxes For Block Rewards — Antoine Scalia (CEO of Cryptio)
Prysmatic Labs On The ETH 2.0 Beacon Chain: Development Update — Preston Van Loon & Terence Tsao from Prysmatic Labs (ETH 2.0)
Workshop: ETH 2.0 — How To Run A Validator On The Beacon Chain — David Rugendyke
ETH 2.0 Calculator: Validator Economics w/ ConsenSys CodeFi — Collin Myers (Global DeFi Product Strategy at ConsenSys Codefi)

