#Brainselfies: Hottest New Trend On Internet

Into The Raw
Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2016

If you’ve recently seen a #brainselfie floating around on the interwebs, you’re not alone. They seem to popping up everywhere in the last few days. It seems the collective world wide brain had a secret meeting in their dreams and decided something must be done to correct the damaging effects of #selfies on the fragile human consciousness. This type of action is known as collective consciousness auto-correction, and has only recently come into existence. It appears these types of activities are fueled by the recent penetration of smartphones into every aspect of our daily lives including our sleep, sex, eating, socializing, thinking, working, commuting, etc.

What are #brainselfies and what purpose do they serve? Who created them? Brainselfies mostly serve introverts and highly intelligent people. Anyone can make one, though. For introverted people, finding others is a treacherous and scary undertaking. There has to be a better way, now there is.

It appears the superficial mate selection applications like Tinder, are not working for most introverts. Many of us have been cruelly tricked by our limbic systems and continue to be eluded by our own neuroscience. Our lizard brains have not evolved enough to pick a mate based on long-term happiness and fulfillment. These deeply wired limbic instincts have become unworkable in the modern activity of selecting a long-term mate. And this is especially true for a huge percentage of adults who received poor sexuality programming inputs during their teenage years. We still do not have a proper method of deleting those first painful and traumatic memories that scar some of us for life and create havoc in our adult mating years.

Many of us are sexually attracted to people who we later discover are completely incompatible with our true natures. Let’s take a look at the foundations of sexuality:

“Sexual desire is the culmination of several different neural mechanisms, each is controlled in different areas of the brain and is activated at different times of the sexual experience. The euphoric and pleasurable experience of sex stems primarily from the limbic system. The colloquial term for areas including the amygdala, hippocampus and limbic lobe (dentate and cingulate gyrus). This area is common to all mammals and is considered one of the oldest areas of the brain. It regulates emotion and encourages the avoidance of painful of aversive stimuli and the repetition of pleasurable experiences.

From a physiological perspective sexual arousal is controlled by the parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system and manifests itself as vasodilation in sexual organs along with several other physiological phenomena including an increase in heart rate. An orgasm and in particular male ejaculation is controlled by the sympathetic portion, this is also accompanied by deactivation of many areas in the brain relating to external stimuli in particular fear, allowing the mind to focus on the task at hand.”
-Neuroscience Fundamentals

What are the components of the #brainselfie and what are the symbolic meanings contained within them? How does one go about making her/his own #brainselfie?

Let’s first break down the symbolic components of the brainselfie:

First, every brainselfie starts with a normal selfie. Then the individual adds blended images (a technical how-to video is coming soon) of their most fundamental traits and unique characteristics that have special meaning to the person’s existence.


Your most dominant personality trait is plastered smack in the middle of your forehead. That trait is a must have and indicates to potential mates that the trait is major aspect of life for you. If someone doesn’t value imagination, my most most dominant trait, then it’s doubtful we will be compatible.

The other traits found inside the brain section can be any combination of things like interests, inclinations, activities, literally anything can be added here. It’s up to you to decide what’s inside your brain area. If you love to be in the ocean, and cannot live without it, put it in there. Ocean is inside my brain.

The lips have special significance. Bright red lips mean that the person who created the brainselfie is available for mating (similar to the red puffy rumps of some ape species).

Gray lips indicate the person is in a horrible relationship which is in the process of disintegrating. Proceed with caution when getting involved with someone who possesses gray lips. These people are usually coming off an emotionally distressing time and contain mixed neural inputs, but not always. There are always exceptions to every rule, but it’s definitely necessary to know what you’re dealing with at the outset of any mating scenario. Your brain is a very delicate piece of machinery that can easily skid off course.

Black lips indicates a person is too traumatized/confused/shy/suffering from unworthiness/distracted to form a sexual relationship, but is open to friendships. Friendships can pave the way to true intimacy, but some people want to hide and get to know someone well before taking it further. You never know who you will fall in love with and how that might affect your trajectory in life.

The text hovering above your head is a future plan of yours. It can be anything. Write in something you wish to materialize in your life. This future plan does not need to include anyone else. It’s there for you to attain, but it helps other people understand what’s important for you and how they can help.

The words below your chin, near your heart are your struggles. These are traits you currently cannot heal on your own, despite your best efforts. These are your shortcomings, your flaws that make you human. In my brainselfie, you see that I’m an addict. Even though I don’t abuse drugs and alcohol anymore (does taking a pain pill now and then count?), I’m still suffering from information and internet addiction. I’ve done all I can to figure it out. It is my flaw. It’s a big part of me though, so I want potential mates to know about it.

Those who wish to cheat on their spouses simply go to Ashley Madison and bypass the #brainselfie altogether. Also, people just wanting a casual hook-up bypass it, too, due to its intricate and complex nature. They use the more superficial apps like Tinder to find fuckmates.

Stellabelle is the creator of the brainselfie. She created it in order to solve her own issues with being a severe and hyper selective introvert. It is her dream to find introverted men. As of now, there seems to be no system in place to discover them, that is, UNTIL NOW!

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Your Dedicated Partner In Mad Ideas,

