Alien Worlds: A Metaverse Built on Collaboration🌐

3 min readJun 19, 2024


Building a community-Driven metaverse

Today i’ll be talking about Alien Worlds a decentrailized gaming platform revolutionizing the way we think about community engagement and collaborative storytelling.

i suggest you grab a coffee🍸 while i take you on a ride 📖…✍🏽

Alien Worlds is more than just a game, it’s a collaborative sci-fi metaverse built on collaboration, creativity, where players are active participants shaping its story and future. This commitment to decentralization is what sets Alien Worlds apart.

📍Alien Worlds achieved this through📍

  • Passionate Player Base: A dedicated community fuels the game’s development and success.
  • UX Refinements: Continuous improvements to the user experience keep players engaged.
  • Community-Driven Content: Games, comics, and lore contributions expand the universe.
New Lore Elements Ignite Creativity

In late 2023, Alien Worlds introduced a groundbreaking concept: Tokenized Lore. Built upon a foundation crafted by sci-fi veteran Kevin J. Anderson (co-author of the Dune prequel series), this system empowers players to influence the official canon.

📍New Lore Elements Ignite Creativity📍

Races, cultures, vehicles, and architecture breathe fresh life into the metaverse.

This opens doors for players to contribute

📍This opens doors for players to contribute📍

  • Games and Animated Series: Expand the universe through immersive experiences.
  • Characters and Stories: Develop your own narratives within the established lore.

The Galactic Hubs grant program supports player creativity. Examples include⏬

  • Starblind: An NFT-based webcomic that deepens the lore.
  • Battlefleet Armageddon: A free-to-play auto-battler rewarding NFT holders.

📍Want to contribute to the official story?📍 c,mon this is your chance to grab more coffee😊

  • Targeted Community Grants: Galactic Hubs rewards compelling lore entries. These entries could become part of the official universe.
  • Scribe Community Grant: Help organize and integrate new lore into the Alien Worlds Fandom site.
Large Language Model

📍Let’s welcome Lynx: Your Lore AI Companion📍

A new Discord bot powered by a Large Language Model (LLM) helps players navigate the vast lore. “Lynx” assists with🔽

  • Querying lore details: Ask Lynx anything, from Trilium history to Triactor technology.
  • Building transmedia projects: Ensure your creations seamlessly fit into the Alien Worlds canon.


The power of community in Alien Worlds is highlighted as a key factor in it’s success, creating a immersive and dynamic experience for players.

Explore a vast universe, mine Trilium, and battle for rewards.

Join the thriving Alien Worlds community!


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