Work Stress + Heat = MS Hug

Stephen J Newhouse
1 min readJan 31, 2016


End of Jan 2016. The working year has only just begun!

So, all of this works well — see my MS Regime — in a stress-free, heat free environment!

The night time tingles are back, my legs are fatiguing quickly, I’m struggling to find words and can feel my mind slowing down — My fellow MS’ers, you know what I mean!.

This is directly correlated with work stress. I work in Academia — I’ll explain more in another rant/article soon. Combine this stress with the obscene heat on the London Underground & the heat in the office , and BAM! MS Hug & major relapse paranoia.

I have a 1 hour and 30 mins commute into work. 1h30mins of heat and MS symptom fun!. Thats all before I get to work. The heating in our building is often cranked all the way up when its “a bit cold outside”. It seems most of the general public and my fellow work mates are cold blooded — Not a drop of sweat or single complaint about the heat from any one of them! Good for them, but HELL for me….

