Online: Combined OpenCyc, WordNet and Wiktionary

Stephen Reed
2 min readOct 18, 2019


All observers agree that artificial general intelligence cannot happen without commonsense reasoning. It is clear that today’s digital virtual assistants and automated customer service agents lack common sense. Even today’s most competent game playing AI cannot use common sense for general problem solving.

Ai-Blockchain has the mission of achieving artificial general intelligence. It has what it takes to get started, which is an English Language dialog Expert System which transforms text to logic and back. It’s common sense knowledge base, memory, blockchain trustworthiness, and symbolic reasoning power set it apart from all others. The Expert System knowledge base is founded on the common sense OpenCyc ontology merged with the WordNet and Wiktionary English Lexicons. For the first time you can explore the organizing ontology for Expert System. The web address (endpoint) is formed with a namespace prefix followed by the concept name as published within OpenCyc, or merged from WordNet and Wiktionary.

Try these links…

Each landing page presents the more general and the more specific relationships for the target term.

The Expert System lexicon can be explored by navigating to

Then enter “lexicon for boat”, “lexicon for family”, “lexicon for intelligent“ and click send.

After taking a look at the Expert System knowledge base, you can be on hand to witness the birth of artificial general intelligence (AGI). On November 12, 2019 at the Amazon Loft in New York City, Ai-Blockchain will introduce its revolutionary digital virtual assistant — Expert System. It is a continuously running software agent that has a memory, self-awareness, goals and plans — and most importantly — learns from talking to its mentors. Governance and human oversight assure safe development and operation. Expert System will begin recording its episodic memories at the launch. You can be a part of its first distinguished memories.

AGI will help everyone tomorrow, and everyone can help AGI now.

Previous. The Birth of Self Improving Artificial Intelligence



Stephen Reed

Chief Scientist at Ai-Blockchain, developer of the Expert System conversational dialog application.