Why are women afraid to build muscle and what is a Brazilian butt?

3 min readNov 20, 2018


Why women are afraid of big muscles, I think, no need to explain. Just look at this photo. This, in the opinion of our dear clients, is the obvious result of overcoming heavy dumbbells and barbells.

Every second question from women newcomers who come to the gym: “I will not get pumped up?”.

What should the coach do in this case? The most unfortunate answer, in my opinion, is this: only professional sportswomen are pumped to such an ugliness, because they train a lot and use some extreme steroids. Why unsuccessful? Because “exercise a lot” and “marginal burdens” are subjective concepts, a reflection of the feeling of gravity and the difficulties of the training process. But after all, soon enough, after the completion of the preparatory training period, we will demand from our wards precisely the application of effort, fatigue, and efforts to raise significant (according to their feelings) burdens. And for them it will be a frightening prospect of growing huge muscles!

It is better explained differently. First, turn to the mind. We’ll tell you about low testosterone levels in women and the fact that professional (and non-professional) sportswomen give themselves artificial testosterone injections. Therefore, they not only increase their muscles, they gradually turn into men.

Secondly, let us turn to emotions. Those. let’s say something simpler, but brighter and more convincing. For example, let us point out that a good figure (in any sense of the word) is determined by only three components: bones, fat and muscles. If there are no muscles, there will be bones and fat on them. Handsomely? I think everyone will say no. We can do nothing with the bones: what God has given. With fat we can (type or get rid of), but he will always go from there, from where it is not necessary, and it will be added to exactly where the hostess categorically does not want to. Influencing the distribution of fat is impossible. So, and influence the proportions and shape.

And now let’s unite mind and emotions. Tell them about the “Brazilian butt.” (Male trainers, be careful with such explanations. You can give the impression of secret erotomans :))). This buttocks, which from the side have the appearance of half an apple, create the impression of high, taut and elastic butts. In contrast to the “saggy,” flat buttocks.

Take a sheet of paper, draw two pictures: Say: “Here, on the left, beautiful, taut buttocks, and on the right — not very, seem sagging. What are the buttocks? On the left, these are the muscles (buttocks) and the fat on top. What is the right? Here are the muscles (see how smaller they are in size?), and this is fat. See how much bigger it is and where it is located? Therefore, there is a feeling of flabby buttocks. Our task becomes clear: to build muscle and remove fat. “

As for exercises on arms, back, pectoral muscles and arms, then, first of all, use our favorite tricks (there are three of them: to tighten muscles, strengthen muscles and increase muscle tone). Secondly, press on the fact that strong, trained muscles are always hungry fat eaters. (It happens that you wake up at night, you hear “omnomnom nom nom.”

Well, it’s muscles that eat fat :))))

