Emerald Wallet — v1.0.0 | Emerald Platform Update

Stevan Lohja
3 min readJun 26, 2018


ETCDEV Team, with much love💚, is happy to release Emerald Wallet v1.0.0 to the ETC community. This time last year, ETCDEV Team released the first alpha version of the Emerald Wallet! A lot of hard work went into this project and the team is grateful for everyone’s contributions to bring valuable tools to our fabulous ETC community.



  • Create and manage accounts
  • Import accounts using keystore file, private key, BIP39 Mnemonic phrase, or Ledger Nano S
  • Name accounts
  • Create and manage Address Book of accounts.
  • Print paper wallets


  • Add Tokens by address


  • Point to full or light node
  • Point to Mainnet or Testnet node

Release Notes


  • Fetch transaction history #603
  • As of Geth v5.2.0 support for geth_getAddressTransactions API has been added allowing transaction history by address. This makes ETC transactions snappier, more responsive, and reduces time spent searching through transactions.
  • Total in fiat. Added total in fiat currency support. #585
  • Version notification. Added feature to notify user if a newer wallet version is available. #600
  • Error dialogue for uncaught network errors. #634, #614


  • Removed description field for accounts. #586
  • Upgraded React version 15.6.1 to 16.2.0
  • Improved UI for hiding an account. #589
  • Upgraded node to 8.11.1. #601
  • Improved UI for editing accounts. #616, #619
  • Removed percent verified #625
  • Improved speed of toggling between node types.
  • Added time stamp #635
  • Improved dialogue for uncaught network errors. #634, #614
  • Removed repeat button #642
  • Show token value in Tx history #651


  • Differing NodeJs versions #581
  • Block progress during sync #587
  • Alignment of error message #620
  • Temporarily enforced min-width for reflow issues in condensed views #621
  • Dialog rendering inaccurate tx value #639
  • Fixed getting and removing of Tokens #650

Getting Started with Emerald Wallet

The Emerald Wallet is an Ethereum Classic Wallet part of a broader project known as the Emerald Platform. All releases of Emerald Wallet can be located on Github. See Getting Started with Emerald Wallet for more info.

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

We are extremely grateful to the many volunteers and members of our community for their ongoing contributions.

