Emerald Wallet — v0.10.0 RC 4 | Emerald Platform Update

Stevan Lohja
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Fresh release for Emerald Wallet — v0.10.0 RC 4 (Ethereum Classic). Here’s what you need to know!


  • epool.io remote endpoint
  • pending transactions are not stored locally

New Features

  • address book functionality
  • New UI design
  • UX: Two step transaction sending wizard
  • Source code clean up, removed unused smart contract functionality
  • FontAwesame icons replaced by Emerald Icons from emerald-js-ui package


Are you prepared for the hard fork?

Ethereum Classic hard fork will execute by May 24th or block 5,900,000. Please update your Geth or Parity as soon as possible! You can Learn more about the fork here.

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

We are extremely grateful to the many volunteers and members of our community for their ongoing contributions.

