Hosting a Portfolio Website with GitHub Pages

Steve Jones
2 min readDec 18, 2015


I recommend GitHub Pages to host your portfolio website because it’s simple and free!

GitHub Pages

If you are applying for a software engineering position you should already have a GitHub account. Using GitHub pages to host your site is simple because it is hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live. You get one site per GitHub account for free.

Create Your GitHub Pages Repository

An alternate option is to use a web hosting account such as or This is what many companies would do for their website.

Check out this link to get your GitHub Pages site set up:

Once you complete that simple setup, your site should be live at

Portfolio Website Guide Directory

This article is part of a guide to building a portfolio website to help land a software engineering position. It includes a link to my portfolio website’s public GitHub repository that I welcome you to clone and use as a template.

Check out other resources in the guide below:

  1. What is a Portfolio Website?
  2. Buying a Domain Name for a Portfolio Website
  3. How to Hosting Your Portfolio Website with GitHub Pages
  4. How to Point a Domain on Google Domains to GitHub Pages
  5. How to Design & Develop a Portfolio Website
  6. What to Include on a Portfolio Website
  7. Software Engineering Resume — Best Practices
  8. Resources to Help Land a Software Engineering Position

GitHub Repository — Portfolio Website

My Portfolio Website:


Shoot me an email, I’m happy to help:

