Lucky Draw

Steven Kalifowitz
2 min readApr 8, 2021


In the Beginning: Wandering Stan’s Bitcoin Genesis Block Hash

In the Beginning

To commemorate the launch of we offered a free NFT to everyone who created an account before 31 March 2021. The response was so overwhelming, we commissioned another work of art by calligrapher Wandering Stan: In the Beginning: The Bitcoin genesis block hash.

Everyone who creates a new account at between 1 April 2021 and 30 April 2021 will be entered into the lucky draw for Wandering Stan’s In the Beginning. We will distribute 10,000 editions of this special NFT to the lucky winners by 7 May 2021.

Stan James’ calligraphy is inspired by his childhood growing up in Japan, where his early creative drive pushed him to explore the power of typefaces, curves, and shape more closely.

This initial spark turned James into a lettering artist fascinated by the power of symbols, for humans and for machines, and with their dual role as conveyors of both truth and beauty. James has been coding almost as long as he’s been making beautiful letters.

His newest NFT takes the cryptographic hash for the Bitcoin genesis block, a purely digital artifact, and renders it carefully by hand — a true meeting of two different worlds that speaks to the connection between past, present, and future.

Claim your free NFT by signing up on and start your journey of owning the culture you love!


  • To be eligible for the lucky draw, you must create a new account at between 1 April 2021 and 30 April 2021. All owners of the Genesis NFT are not eligible to participate.
  • A total of 10,000 NFTs will be distributed to the lucky winners by 7 May 2021.
  • Once distributed, the NFT will be visible on your profile page on “My NFTs”under the “Collectibles” tab
  • You may sell or auction your NFT on the secondary market
  • There is no purchase necessary to be eligible for the lucky draw

