Steven Robinson
Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson

AI learning

2416 stories

When you want ChatGPT to think more deeply, try the magic word: “RUMINATE.” This simple prompt can push AI from quick, superficial responses (System 1 thinking) to more thoughtful, accurate outputs (System 2 thinking).
Modern model wearing round pearls, simple light greenish blue coats, walking down the runway, hair flowing, created with Midjourney AI generated image.
Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson

AI other Music

2299 stories

When you want ChatGPT to think more deeply, try the magic word: “RUMINATE.” This simple prompt can push AI from quick, superficial responses (System 1 thinking) to more thoughtful, accurate outputs (System 2 thinking).
Modern model wearing round pearls, simple light greenish blue coats, walking down the runway, hair flowing, created with Midjourney AI generated image.
Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson


5132 stories

When you want ChatGPT to think more deeply, try the magic word: “RUMINATE.” This simple prompt can push AI from quick, superficial responses (System 1 thinking) to more thoughtful, accurate outputs (System 2 thinking).
Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson

The art of work

4526 stories

When you want ChatGPT to think more deeply, try the magic word: “RUMINATE.” This simple prompt can push AI from quick, superficial responses (System 1 thinking) to more thoughtful, accurate outputs (System 2 thinking).
Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson


3181 stories

Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson

2 reading list

13024 stories

Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson


10004 stories

Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson

2022 significant

9267 stories