Code Meets Customer Care: A Geek’s Journey to Crafting an Award-Winning SaaS Customer Support Team…with a Side of Comic Book Wisdom!

Steve Tondé
3 min readFeb 26, 2024
Heroic Journey towards building an award-winning customer support team!

Chapter I — Unmasking Steve Tondé: A Support Leader’s Odyssey!

You may be wondering, who is this mysterious figure behind the screen, and what on earth is he about?

Well, fear not, comrade, for I am Steve Tondé — a Support Leader by day and a shameless comic book nerd by night. Yes, you read that right.

Also known as the CSAT Whisperer: Achieving high CSAT scores is my jam — I’ve been known to turn frowns (60%) upside down and raising them to a whopping 98.8%.

Process Optimization Guru: Think of me as the Support ninja streamlining processes faster than you can say “efficiency.”

Now, before you start envisioning me in a cape, let’s get down to business. I come bearing three goals, as noble as the quest for the elusive Infinity Stones (minus the megalomania, of course):

1. Document the Journey: Picture this — an epic quest to build an award-winning customer support team. My trusty pen (or keyboard, rather) shall chronicle every twist and turn, from the initial skirmishes to the triumphant battles.

2. Accountability Check: In the spirit of a hero vowing to protect their city, I declare to keep myself accountable on this noble quest. The journey might be fraught with challenges, but fear not, for Steve Tondé shall not falter!

3. Continuous Learning: As the wise Princess Diana of Themyscira once said “In the realm of growth, there is no end. Keep learning, keep evolving, for the journey is as significant as the destination.” So, join me on this perpetual odyssey of self-improvement and enlightenment.

In a recent LinkedIn post, I divulged my strategic battle plan for the year. One crucial mission involves enhancing our tech stack, and guess what? Intercom is one of those tools that will help us better serve.

Intercom is not just a tool; it’s our Swiss Army knife, ready to tackle any customer support use-case thrown its way.

From marketing wizardry to facilitating the initiation of new users into the mystical realms of our product, Intercom stands tall, currently configured at 58%, with a grand go-live scheduled for March 2024. Stay tuned for updates, dear readers, as we embark on this thrilling adventure!

In our next thrilling segment, I’ll shed light on the other action items promised in that LinkedIn post.

(cue Dragon Ball Z narrator voice) Join us next time on Code Meets Customer Care: A Geek’s Journey to Crafting an Award-Winning SaaS Customer Support Team…with a Side of Comic Book Wisdom!

Until then, may your customer inquiries be handled with empathy, and your comic book references be on point!


#RevolutionizeSupport #saas #customersupport

Who is Steve Tondé and where to find him:



Steve Tondé

Father | Tech Leader building award-winning helpdesk support teams | Agile | ITIL | SaaS |