Earth’s Pre-history Civilizations — Part 4

Given the age of Earth and the billions of years of geologic and climatic recycling, the likelihood of pre-history civilizations is quite feasible. However, getting mainstream science and religious dogma to accept such a reality is difficult because it would turn all traditional belief structures upside down.

Stephen Geist
7 min readSep 28, 2023
Photo by Evan Karageorgos on Unsplash

Mainstream science teaches us that about 6,000 years ago, Homo sapiens abruptly transformed from hunter-gatherers into farmers who, in short order, built and gathered in what was to become city-states which then became nations and empires.

But scientists have avoided the question: How did these early humans so quickly change from small packs of hunter-gatherers into an advanced agricultural society? It is unacceptable to believe that primitive humans acquired such knowledge and skills on their own literally overnight.

This article is part four in a series. Click here to read part 3.

Click here to access all the articles in this series.

If you’re all caught up, let’s examine some more of the realities regarding Earth’s pre-history civilizations. And let’s begin with….

Cargo Cults

There is a religion known as the “Cargo Cult.” Such cults have appeared in many traditional, pre-industrial tribal societies worldwide through interaction with more technologically advanced cultures. These cults typically focus on obtaining and enjoying some of the material wealth (the cargo) of an advanced civilization.

Many of these cargo cults emerged during and after World War II when the indigenous people of many of the islands in the South Pacific were suddenly witness to the largest war ever fought by technologically advanced nations. These island people watched (often right in front of their homes) as 300,000 American troops poured in from the skies and seas.

The vast amount of military equipment and supplies that airdropped to troops on these islands meant drastic changes to the islanders’ lifestyle — many of whom had never seen outsiders before.

Manufactured clothing, medicine, canned food, tents, weapons, and other goods arrived in huge quantities for the soldiers — who often shared with the islanders.

These “gods” indeed brought the locals what seemed endless supplies of food and goods. So much so that they believed it was all summoned by magic. After all, none of it was made locally. So, the islanders wondered, where did it come from?

The ‘John Frum’ cult was one of the most widely reported and longest-lived cargo cults. It was formed on the island of Tanna in the province of Vanuatu. The cult members worshiped certain Americans having the name “John Frum” or “Tom Navy,” who had brought cargo to their island during World War II and who they identified as being the ‘gods’ who would provide sustenance (cargo) to them in the future.

With the war’s end, the military abandoned the airbases and stopped dropping cargo — and America lost interest in these islands. And the locals saw the end of their “Golden Age.”

In attempts to get cargo to fall again by parachute or land in planes or ships, islanders imitated the same practices they had seen the military personnel use. They constructed piers and created airstrips in their fields, hoping that these “temples” would entice the gods (the Americans) to return — and with them the return of the Golden Age.

The behaviors within these cargo cults also involved mimicking U.S. soldiers’ day-to-day activities and dress styles. This included performing parade ground drills with wooden or salvaged rifles.

The islanders carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved landing signals while standing on the runways. Some built life-size replicas of airplanes out of straw.

The cult members believed that the mysterious visitors had some special connection to the deities and ancestors of the islanders — who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches.

By this example of “Cargo Cult” on these South Pacific islands, we see that human visitors can be mistaken for gods — specifically, that an advanced technological civilization can pose such a radical break from the traditional way of life of a less-advanced culture that the cargo and the humans involved are deified.

This is fascinating validation that humankind could, and has often mistaken other humans — and maybe, by extension, nonhuman advanced intelligence — for God.

So then, it’s appropriate to consider a pre-history Golden Age, when ‘gods’ lived among humankind and taught them the basics of civilization. This is precisely what we read in the legends and myths of many ancient societies.

As one example, click here for my articles regarding the ancient Anunnaki in Mesopotamia.

And now, keeping ‘Cargo Cults’ in mind, here’s a quick refresher on a couple of topics from my previous articles regarding pre-history civilizations starting with….

Earth Cataclysms 12,000 years ago

As I explained in part two of this series of articles, there is strong evidence that an unimaginable catastrophe, or more likely a series of disasters, occurred on Earth between 11,000 and 4,000 BC. The geological and biological evidence supports the countless stories and traditions that describe such events.

These ‘catastrophe’ stories come from ancient cultures in Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Africa, throughout the American continents, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, China, Japan, and the Middle East. Usually, these cataclysms were described as intense floods, fires, or other devastating calamities.

If there is one thing that unites ancient cultures worldwide, it’s that they all pretty much have flood stories attached to them. Deluges and great floods swamping and covering the entire planet — wiping out whole races of people. In most cultures, this is ascribed as the work of angry gods displeased with humanity.

Ancient Civilizations — Pre and Post Cataclysm

So-called ‘Legends and Myths’ from different peoples living across the ancient world tell essentially the same story. At some point before the dawn of modern history, a mysterious group of extraterrestrial ‘gods’ and ‘teachers’ appeared on Earth.

These ‘Star Beings’ came to Earth to alter the genome of then-existing hominids so as to create a new hominid (homo sapiens) and then teach the new ‘humans’ the basics of civilization.

Stories of these extraterrestrial visitors permeate ancient texts, tablets, carvings, and hand-me-down tales scattered worldwide. These stories describe strange visitors who taught early humans about astronomy, language, mathematics, agriculture, government, law, construction techniques, and much more.

These ancient tales have never been given credibility. Instead, mainstream science has branded these historical accounts as myths and fantasies.

These mysterious beings had a profound impact on various groups of people and cultures in antiquity. And as with the ‘Cargo Cults’ of modern times, we see a familiar behavioral pattern with ancient humanity.

These extraterrestrials created or modernized the human genome and established or renewed civilization and culture on Earth. Then, for some reason — perhaps associated with a cataclysmic event — they seem to have departed back to the stars. But perhaps they have since returned. Or maybe they never left.

The deniers and debunkers of alternative theories regarding pre-history civilizations declare that such hogwash makes for great science fiction but should not be taken too seriously.

The Debunkers and Deniers

Debunkers of alternative theories regarding pre-history civilizations admit that evidence of an advanced culture that existed millions or even hundreds of thousands of years ago would be hard to find. But the debunkers claim there would be ample evidence if such advanced beings existed 12,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age.

Debunkers argue that if ‘Star Beings’ had indeed come to Earth and established an advanced civilization, it would have left some artifacts behind. Debunkers ask, “Where is their trash? Where are the homes?”

Debunkers argue that if “teachers” with a higher intelligence went around the Earth teaching everyone how to build or rebuild after their civilization collapsed, this means the “teachers” had pretty good technology. So, where is all the evidence of the advanced technology?

Some debunkers admit not all of humanity may have died in the cataclysm. So, they argue: “Wouldn’t it make more sense that extraterrestrials would have built new advanced cities, instead of teaching some primitive hunter-gatherers to put a bunch of huge stone slabs together and create megaliths?”

And the Debunkers ask: “Where did these “teachers” go after? Wouldn’t it make more sense they would be able to rebuild at least part of their civilization? Or did they all then jump into flying saucers and fly off into the galaxy — back to where they came from?”

I have no words to respond. I can only shake my head like a dog with itchy ears.

Debunking the Debunkers

Whether we’re talking about science or religion, there is obviously a difference between false dogma and true reality.

Those who debunk the alternative theories regarding pre-history advanced civilizations argue that you need actual evidence to back up your assertions — not wishful thinking.

Yet, in countless explanations of how ancient man came to be (as offered by mainstream science and religions), their evidence — or lack thereof — does not stand up to sound scrutiny.

I present many examples of their false dogma in my series of articles regarding Anomalies and Mysteries. I hope you will take the time to read this information by clicking here.

We have considerable gaps in our knowledge regarding what has happened on Earth during the billions of years it has existed. The further back in the past we go, the less we know.

New discoveries are helping to rewrite our understanding of the past. But we can never be certain what information has been or is being suppressed by those in control.

It’s critical to remain open-minded and absorb both mainstream and non-mainstream theories and explanations of our mysterious ancient past. So that one day, we may finally know the truth.



Stephen Geist

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.