Reincarnation and Karma

Because our Higher Spirit transitions to — or refocuses on — some aspect of the Soul after the death of our physical form, the question becomes: Is there a specific purpose for each life as we repeatedly reincarnate into this 3D reality?

Stephen Geist
6 min readNov 30, 2023
Photo by Sergio Otoya on Unsplash

This is part four of a series of articles regarding the Afterlife and Reincarnation. Click here to read part three.

I also highly recommend you click here to explore my series of articles regarding “The All of Existence.”

And with that backdrop, let’s ponder….


Every Soul in Creation gravitates naturally to its most essential state — the neutral state. The Creator is not biased as to the duality of good or evil. The Creator — the source of all things — is fundamentally neutral; thus, we are.

During our lives in this 3D reality, if we decide to polarize and experience ourselves as good or evil, we will always make our way back to a neutral state. To achieve this, our energy field must be in balance.

For this 3D reality where our Soul repeatedly reincarnates, Karma has been described as a spiritual debit or credit that we accumulate. And it is embedded in the energy field of our Soul.

And since Creation always finds balance, this imprint on the Soul energy attracts payback (rebalance) experiences — ones that compensate for the choices made in previous lives.

If your choices helped others in need and thereby assisted free will and balance, that brings you ‘positive’ Karma. And perhaps in the future, you will be helped in return.

If, instead, one has chosen to hurt innocent others — that creates imbalance and violates free will. That brings repercussions.

Karma is basically about experiencing and learning lessons. You learn that as you help others, so are you helped. It’s a rewarding teaching mechanism in that sense.

And you learn that through action that hurts others, so are you hurt. This is a balancing process to experience and understand the consequences of your actions.

From your perspective, it may seem like this 3D reality is a structure of many levels. Some beings enjoy grand experiences at the top (regardless of their evil intentions) while others have miserable experiences at the bottom.

That is the nature of this 3D Earth reality — which is just one of the infinite realms in existence. And in this 3D reality, Creation always balances the scale with Karma.

No matter the intensity of pain or how unpleasant the situation may be, there is a divine purpose within all things. You may despise someone in this 3D reality, yet there is only unconditional love at the level of the Higher Spirit.

Therefore, if you caused someone pain in one life, you would naturally seek balance as you ascend to the level of Higher Spirit through many lives in this 3D reality.

Karma is not about punishment

Karma is always about balance and love. It is never about punishment. It is about having a balanced share of experiences. The Creator loves all beings equally without judgment or prejudice — and so do you at the divine level of Spirit.

Out of love, you put yourself through pain and distress to enable balance between yourself and those you have harmed, and vice versa. This is Karma.

Suffering or sacrifice can be a gift you decide to give. And so, we sometimes sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of others.

In your next life in this 3D reality, you may agree to diminish your light to allow someone else’s light to shine brighter. Imagine a room filled with candles. If all the candles shine equally, then none of them stand out. Yet if all but one of them diminish their brightness, the one left shining will experience itself as a brighter and higher candle than the rest.

In the infinite ‘All of Existence,’ positive realities are based on mutual goodness for everyone involved — ‘one for all.’

Negative realities are based on pleasure only for the winner — ‘all for one’ — and this is the state of our 3D reality.

We have collectively created a reality in which only a small percentage of the population is afforded abundant power and freedom. At the same time, the majority is left in poverty and all manner of discontent and ruin.

The 12 Aspects of Karma

Whether you realize it or not, Karma is constantly at play in your life. Karma is a lifestyle that promotes positive thinking and actions. It also employs self-reflection to fix the problems in one’s life.

I came across a list of so-called ’12 Laws of Karma’ on Facebook a while back. I liked the principles behind these laws because I believe that when you follow them, you create good Karma, thereby increasing the likelihood of good things happening to you.

For me, a better label for these twelve principles is ‘The 12 Aspects of Karma. I have also modified the wording somewhat to better reflect what resonates with me. I share these 12 Aspects of Karma here for any value you deem appropriate.

1. The ‘Prime’ Aspect of Karma

As you sow, so shall you reap. To receive peace, love, and happiness, you must BE peaceful, loving, and happy. Whatever you put out into the Universe will come back to you.

2. The Karmic Aspect of Creation

You don’t just wait for good things to occur in your life magically. You must actively go out and make things happen. Life requires your participation — it does not happen by itself.

3. The Karmic Aspect of Humility

To change something in your life, you must first humbly accept what currently exists. So, if you can own your story as well as the factors out of your control, you can also own the path for what’s next.

4. The Karmic Aspect of Responsibility

Take ownership of everything that happens in your life. We mirror what surrounds us, and what surrounds us mirrors us. You must take responsibility for what is in your life. We are responsible for how we show up in the world — how we allow others to treat us, and how we treat other people.

5. The Karmic Aspect of Growth

Wherever you go — there you are. If you want to grow spiritually, it is you who must change — not the people, places, or things around you. As you grow and evolve internally, your external reality will grow as a result. And the growth never ends — there’s always something new.

6. The Karmic Aspect of Connection

Everything and everyone is connected in some way. As we help, teach, love, honor, and respect ourselves, we do the same for others. Each step leads to the next step. Neither the first step nor the last are of greater importance. Both are needed to finish the task or journey. Past, present, and future are all connected.

7. The Karmic Aspect of Focus

You cannot think of two things at the same time. And you cannot simultaneously put your energy toward two things. Focusing on a higher spiritual value makes it impossible to have lower thoughts like anger or hate. When you focus on one thing at a time, you accomplish much more with better results.

8. The Karmic Aspect of Giving

If you know something to be good and true, then at some point in your life, you will be called upon to demonstrate that truth. It is all about selflessness, giving to others, and practicing what you preach. It is about ensuring you’re not simply saying and thinking good thoughts but also walking your talk.

9. The Karmic Aspect of Here & Now

You cannot be in the here and now if you’re looking backward to examine what was or forward to worry about what will be. Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, and old dreams prevent you from having new ones.

10. The Karmic Aspect of Change

This has to do with experiencing the same situation repeatedly. The pattern will repeat until you learn from the experience and do something different to evolve into a better version of yourself and stop the useless repetition. History repeats itself until we learn the lessons needed to change our path.

11. The Karmic Aspect of Patience & Reward

The rewards of lasting value require patience and perseverance. It’s about showing up and doing the work. Achieving great things requires persistence, not giving up, celebrating yourself, and savoring every little success during your journey.

12. The Karmic Aspect of Significance & Inspiration

We all have value to give. It is essential that no matter how small and unimportant your contribution to the world may seem — your unique gifts are meant to be shared and will make a positive impact. The true value of something is a direct result of the positive energy and intent put into it. Loving, positive contributions bring life to and inspire the Whole.



Stephen Geist

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.