The career quest: Lotus in the mud

Strong at broken places
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


“There is the mud, and there is lotus that grow out of the mud.”

I stayed with a neuron-sucking job for my damn two years of youth, cockup and conspiracy. It took me such a long time to realize that I was driving circles in a cul-de-sac: You might feel you are becoming a better driver knowing all the twists along the ride, but it leads nowhere and you’ll eventually run out of gas.

Consequently, I decided to have myself a commercial break with nothing but the willing to take experiments and not to stick to any solid plan. And followings are what exactly I came to understand.

  1. Fear of the FAQs (frequently asked questions)

Quitting is a brave act and everybody had an opinion about it.

Why? My parents tried to tell me to stick to it and wait for something better to comes along and asked if I’ve lost my damn mind. My aunties and many people asked in a suggestive manner or directly that how I’m going to pay my bills or when I would get married.

Some previous clients called and texted me what’s next. To be honest I didn’t know how to explain in a nice situation of why I did what I did and offered me to switch to their company. Co-workers assumed everything and nothing about the reasons and they were all very nice and empathetic all of a sudden.

They say millenials suffer quarter-life crisis ( I know it’s a bit early and I’m a bit dramatic.) Fear of reputation is real, so I altered my answer according to who’s putting the question: “What’s next?” and “Why leave?”. Truth is, you don’t have to think too much about the facts, just stick to your feeling of what that person wants in your answer. If they find it reasonable, they would likely to switch to a new topic soon, really, people don’t care of your conspiracy, plans and all. Just let the conversation ball keeps rolling. *sigh*

2. Job security is an old-fashioned stereotype

A company with a good business performance, a good finance state, a great client portfolio likely means job security workplace. According to new published research, now security comes with job satisfaction.

I finally found out that the job satisfaction lies in three main pillars: be able to do the work they enjoy, be able to play to their strengths and be able to have a vision of the path for career development that accommodates personal values and priorities at their life stage.

Sometimes you quit the job, sometimes you quit the boss, sometimes you quit being that version of yourself. You took the next step to reconnect to your unanswered callings while at work.

3. Your boat of finding meanings of the fragmented dots departed

At the very first days after leaving your job, your body worn out, your mind troubled. You have to strive to make sense of all your plans and actions. I’m gradually coming to understand the mission of finding the meaning in life.

In Buddha, there is a special symbol related to the lotus. Lotus is one of the most beautiful flower in the world and one of the most well-known symbol. Many of us are buds, desire to blossom. The lotus was born in the murky water but grows out of it to bath the sun of life. No matter which stage of life you are on, you can relate so much to the lotus every time you find yourself facing a hard time.

If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ”

Goldie Hawn (A lotus grows in the mud)

So, what's next? — If my old-self asked.

Imagine Dragons — Whatever It Takes

I’m ready for whatever it takes

’Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do whatever it takes

