How-To Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey: Tips for Pushing Through the Tough Times

Strong Sister
4 min readApr 18, 2023


Starting a fitness journey can be daunting, but the most challenging part is usually maintaining the motivation to make that journey successful. We’ve all been there: motivated and ready to tackle workout routines, meal-plans and get “fit,” only to fizzle out a few weeks (or even days) later. Unfortunately, this feeling is not uncommon, and it’s essential to remember that staying motivated on your fitness journey is a process, not an instantaneous event.

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This article will guide you through staying motivated throughout your fitness journey. We will discuss methods of staying motivated, strategies for scheduling workouts into your daily routine, and mindset techniques to help you push through the tough times. Whether you’re a beginner just starting or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, these tips can help you stay focused and on track.

Defining your Personal Fitness Goals

One of the most critical factors in staying motivated is defining your personal fitness goals. Your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based (SMART). Defining your goals will give you a target to work towards and provide a sense of accomplishment once you achieve them.

For instance, if you’re new to fitness, your initial goal could be to work out twice weekly for 30 minutes. On the other hand, if you’re experienced, your fitness goal could be more specific, such as losing a particular amount of weight or gaining a certain amount of muscle mass.

Knowing why you’re pursuing fitness is essential, too. Consider the benefits of a healthy lifestyle beyond physical health, such as exercise's emotional and mental benefits. This awareness will help you stay motivated through challenging times.

Identifying the Emotional and Mental Benefits of Staying Fit

Staying motivated on your fitness journey requires understanding physical fitness's emotional and mental benefits. Physical fitness can improve your mental and emotional wellness by relieving stress and anxiety, boosting confidence and self-esteem, and even reducing depression.

Regular physical activity boosts your brain’s dopamine levels, improving your mood and outlook on life. Taking up exercise converts unhealthy habits into healthy ones and can help you feel in control of your journey.

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Keep Yourself Accountable

Tracking progress and celebrating achievements go a long way in maintaining motivation. Keeping yourself accountable is an excellent way to measure your progress toward your fitness goals. Setting your goals provides clarity, while tracking your progress helps keep you responsible for your actions.

Creating a Workout Schedule and Sticking to It

It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of life, but scheduling your workout routines as an essential daily activity will help you stick to your practice. So be sure to schedule time for exercise and make it a part of your daily routine.

Using Fitness Apps and Wearables to Monitor Progress

Smartphones and wearables give users access to fitness apps that help monitor progress and record milestones. Use this technology to track exercise, calorie intake, and sleep, and celebrate with each milestone achieved. (Click on the links above for more info)

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Surround Yourself with Positive Reinforcement

When supportive people surround you, it becomes much easier to stay motivated. There are always people who have similar goals and are willing to provide their support when things get tough.

Finding a Workout Partner or Joining a Fitness Community

Finding a workout partner or joining a fitness community is an excellent way of surrounding yourself with positive reinforcement. Exercising with a friend or a community provides motivation and accountability to stick to your workout routine.

Seeking Professional Help from a Certified Personal Trainer or Coach

A professional trainer adds the expertise you need to achieve your fitness goals. In addition, getting personalized advice from an expert in the field can motivate and encourage you on your journey to fitness success.

©️ Midjourney art by EJMR

Mindset Techniques

Developing an unwavering positivity and discipline that can help you press forward when things get tough is critical.

Avoid Procrastination and Start Slow

Starting slow is a proven technique that helps you avoid procrastinating. When you take baby steps, it’s much easier to maintain your momentum and keep going.

Learning How to Stay Focused and Positive

Staying focused requires clear objectives and determination to pursue your goals consistently. In addition, maintaining a positive attitude and perspective can help you overcome negative and self-defeating thoughts.

Finding Joy in the Journey

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Instead of focusing on the outcome solely, enjoy the small victories and improvements you make daily.

©️ Midjourney art by EJMR


Staying motivated on your fitness journey takes time, patience, and discipline, but it’s worth the effort. You will develop new habits and a healthier lifestyle by understanding your why, creating a workout schedule, surrounding yourself with positive reinforcement, and staying motivated through the rough patches. Remember, motivation is not something that happens overnight, and just as long as you persist and remain dedicated to your goals, you’ll become less likely to lose sight of what’s essential along the way.



Strong Sister

Strong Sister blog empowers women's health & wellness with tips on fitness, nutrition, stress mgmt & daily inspiration by Certified Coach Evita Julissa Rodulfo.