Kayaking in the Mangroves, with a celebrity!

Sudhindra Naib
4 min readJun 25, 2020


The Andamans are a fascinating place to holiday and are widely known for a plethora of water activities such as scuba diving and snorkeling. However you would be surprised to know that there is an exhilarating though physically demanding activity out there — kayaking amongst the mangroves.

You basically turn up near the jetty on Havelock at about 10am. Walk along the shore line, wondering if this was a bad idea, till you reach a shed where you see some kayaks lined up. You are still not convinced. It is pretty sunny and the saner alternative would have been to lie with a lemonade/beer in hand on the pristine beach in Radhanagar, doing absolutely nothing. What, in Gods name, were you thinking? You then come across the owner of the shed and your instructor.

Our instructor, Tanaz, is polite but strict. She gives you a quick tutorial on how to use the kayak and its oars. She seems the no nonsense kind — after all she is a kayaking champion and her kayak tours have been covered in NatGeo, so you listen to her, and do what she does. After she is convinced you can follow instructions, she guides you and the others in carrying the kayaks into the knee deep water. She makes sure that your life jackets are correctly strapped up and you are ready to go. You set off on single, double or 3 seater kayaks depending on the Tanaz’s quick judgement of your ability.

You slowly realize that kayaking is more strenuous than you thought, especially if your companion is not rowing too much. Your kayak slowly makes its way deeper into the bay. You try hard to keep up with the instructors kayak. You are afraid at first of the vast expanse of water ahead of you but then you become more comfortable over time. The kayak cuts across the transparent blue water like a knife through butter. You can see the bottom of the shallow sea because the water is so clear. Images of crocodiles and sharks occasionally cross your mind but you banish those thoughts quickly.

You see a lovely white lighthouse pass by and marvel at its beauty. The instructor is heading away towards a distant shore line and you are not too far behind. You are sweating profusely but are equally spellbound by the experience of being one with nature. You make out the mangroves getting closer and closer. You see that the instructor asking you to follow a path between the mangroves. It is a wonderful experience.

You are in mangrove land. You hear the instructor explain the wonderful features of these mangroves including their amazing adaptations. The mangroves are resilient indeed, being able to survive in high or low tides, floods or famines! No wonder that these mangroves thrive in all kinds of conditions.

Time just flies amongst the mangrove lessons and you realize it is time to head back. You have to kayak back to the place near the jetty. Now that you know the route back, the competitor in you kicks in.

You paddle the water furiously and soon are one of the first to arrive back. You help the instructor load the kayaks back next to the shed. Your clothes are drenched but you and your family have absolutely loved the experience.

What’s next you ask? Moonlight kayaking, Tanaz answers. Now that is a story for another day!

