Top Memes From the Flopped ‘Migrants’ Referendum of Hungary

Dezso Papp
3 min readOct 3, 2016


I am not big on everyday politics. Yet referendums offer more spice in your stew. At least since the UK’s EU referendum. So, I couldn’t refrain from an overview of pre and post event memes of the latest Hungarian referendum.

Until the Orban government figures the best way to talk out of such a failure. And no, saying we have spent HUF 8 billion (~€25 million) or 20 billion (~€64 million) — depending on sources — to pour clear water in the glass won’t cut it. Sorry!

Here’s your selection with English captions where needed, but without further comments to support the neutrality of journalism :). Giving due credit as much as possible.

“Mr. President, when you wrote the 50% validity threshold into the constitution, have you imagined you will be first to suck it?”
“Did you know?” (TAG) “That the Hungarian Government does it all, so YOU DON’T KNOW (IT)?” Source:
Controller: “This pass is not valid.” Young guy: “Politically it is valid.” Source: Kőhalmi Dezső
Two posters from the Two Tailed Dog Party (Kétfarkú Kutya Párt). Left — Did you know? Life is beautiful. Right- Brussels is a city.

Caption for the poster on the right: “Let’s not risk! Let’s vote YesNo.”

User comment: “Tells more than a thousand words.” Click for the animated gif to see the point.

“Did you know? The government has spent more than 8 billion HUF on the pointless referendum and the surrounding propaganda from Hungarian tax payers money. While the half of Hungarians live under subsistence level.”

Beszélni Magyar? You can browse the latest memes or find more for yourself on Also, HVG has made a compilation of the best memes, only Hungarian. N.B. At the time of writing the latter link wasn’t available, maybe they haven’t hardened their bandwidth and it’s too popular or blocked? Updated choice of memes also from HVG.

Interested in the curate most creative invalid ballot papers. You can find them on Kettosmerce.

Dezso is a relocation agent turned entrepreneur with decade long experience. He digs: Move management, Corporate sales, Real estate rentals, Destination services provision, Talent Management, Purpose vs Bullshit. Outside Medium you can read more from him on LinkedIn Pulse, or ask him on Quora.

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Dezso Papp

ex-Wantrepreneur, daddy, boulderer, writer, tinkerer.