Building Twatter

A series on building a micro-blogging web app from concept to production

Sukhvinder Singh Durhailay
1 min readApr 18, 2017
  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Gathering requirements
  4. UX
  5. Design
  6. Dev — Yarn, React, Redux(?), TestCafe, Node, AWS
  7. Retrospective — Report on learnings i.e. what went well, what could improve and actions to take in order to make those improvements


I aim to build a Twitter clone using tools and techniques I have learnt in the past year (React, Redux and Node) and some that I want to learn (Yarn, TestCafe and AWS).

This series will cover the complete production of the Twatter web app, starting from concept to launch.

Firstly, I will define a purpose for Twatter. Giving a clear reason why people need it and would use it.

I will use UX and design principles I have learnt throughout the years to flesh out Twatter’s functionality.

Next, I will define the app’s architecture and plan its development. This will include what Dev tools, build tools and deployment processes.

Finally, once Twatter is launched. I will reflect on what went well, what went wrong and what I should do next time.

Next on ‘Building Twatter’…

