Instructions for Signatories

intro, storage, access, emergency, inheritance & will

5 min readJan 29, 2018

copy AND customize for each of your Signatories

dear trusted friend,


recently, I took possession of my Bitcoin.

while this eliminates some risks, it creates others. If I hold all of my own access information, I am a single-point-of-failure. That makes my BTC more vulnerable to physical theft (known as a “Wrench Attack” ).

if you store some of this information (the “seed-words”) for me, my BTC will be much safer. For redundancy, a few of my friends are also securing the same information. You are not solely responsible!

“seed-words” or a “recovery phrase” are simply 12 words.

For example:

to maximize our security —

we need to follow some simple protocols…


to secure our communications —

both have desktop & mobile versions


  • I send you the 12 words ( #1 — #12 )
  • You write them down *on paper*

Note: word-order is Critical !


now, we need to verify that no one intercepted our communications and tampered with the 12 words. This is called a “Man-in-the-Middle” Attack.

This also verifies that you wrote the 12 words accurately.

video chat — or — voice message

  • please, spell each word and use it in a sentence or two…


next, you need to store the paper (with the “First 12” words)

  • in a water-proof bag
  • in a safe… somewhere safe…


When I need to access my BTC —

we MUST follow a protocol.

***< This is where you’re discrimination is critical! You must confirm that I am acting of my own free will. If I am being coerced or threatened, I am relying on you to identify this and call the police! >***

please CHECK —

  • i MUST message you 2 weeks prior
  • i MUST send 3+ audio messages (during those 2 weeks)
  • i MUST send 3+ selfies of me in public
  • i MUST send 2 videos of me in public
  • we MUST video-chat for 3+ minutes

if you think that i’m OK —

  • tell/send me the 12 words

if you think that i might be” in danger —

  • call the police — OR — follow our emergency protocols


Here, let’s clarify the situation that we are defending against.

Although very improbable, I may be kidnapped.

  • I may beg you to tell me the 12 words…
  • an Attacker may threaten & scare you…
  • I may try to deceive you — by telling you, “everything’s OK ”

PLEASE, do NOT give away these valuable 12 words !!!

  • CALL the police immediately!

// ~ insert your emergency protocols here~

** WARNING ! **

By holding this important information, you become a target.

Under duress, I may reveal your name & location.

A sophisticated attacker could find you.

but, i think this is very unlikely…

regular Check-in

  • let’s establish a regular check-in // say — weekly

i’ll send you a voice/video message — to show that both myself AND your name/location have Not been compromised…

→ if my weekly Check-in is missed or suspect — take evasive maneuvers to defend yourself, until my condition is known…

this provides you with a warning & puts further restraints upon the Attacker


you may hold a unique “pass-phrase” to unlock your Bitcoin inheritance…

you’ll need —

  • your “First 12” seed words (#1 — #12)
  • my “Last 12” seed words (#13 — #24)

i will tell you how to get my “Last 12” words

  • your unique “pass-phrase” (the #25 word)

*** Be Very Careful — lost or stolen bitcoin are gone forever !…

Guard these 25 words ! — Don’t let anyone see them !


next, you’ll need to “restore” your inheritance wallet

now, you are really using bitcoin, so —

educate yourself !

especially — how to use !

start here —it’s why i love Bitcoin !

when you’re ready —

  • buy the SAME hardware devise as me — (provide your device info here)

using the same device prevents any issues with compatibility AND preferably buy it with BTC & get it delivered to a PO BOX to preserve your privacy

  • restore your inheritance wallet (with words #1 — #25)

type directly into the devise // NOT into your laptop’s keyboard

  • enjoy your Bitcoin inheritance !


if you have a copy of my Will,

  • please help to fulfill my last wishes

please, ask me any questions…



Joe Hodler

i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter

cool links & about me




— CWAP — “Seed-Splitting” BTC Storage — HODL Safe! —