cool links & about me

all the coolest things i know

6 min readJun 15, 2018

dear friends,

here’s the coolest stuff I know…

you might like —

lucid dreaming

tibetan yoga of dream and sleep” (wangyal)

  • epic masterpiece on meditation !

lucid dreaming” (laBerge)

  • fascinating university studies !

sex yoga

the multi-organism man

cultivating female sexual energy

  • by Mantak Chia
  • tons of info & simple practices


  • powerful natural medicine for extra energy & mental clarity

read about my experiences here —

tastes bad, but feels soo Good…

Ayahuasca, San Pedro & Iboga

  • powerful plant medicines
  • Iboga is famous for treat/cure Opioid addiction


  • one of the 1st nootropics, “smart drugs” — a synthetic derivative of the neurotransmitter GABA —after only a few days, i felt mentally sharper & really noticed how i spoke effortlessly & eloquently

baking soda

  • for over 2 years, i use as under-arm deodorant — it works better than the toxic — aluminum commercial options
  • as laundry soap, for cleaning, etc…


  • if you’ve never scraped your tongue // not just brushed with your toothbrush — use a spoon or butter-knife and enjoy the freshness…

nose vs mouth breathing

if you breathe through your mouth, especially while you sleep,

  • try — tape your mouth shut, while you sleep // i loved it !

in 2 months, i easily trained myself to breathe threw my nose all night long

  • this practice has increased my mental clarity & mindfulness !!!

bone brothe

  • Super healthy — great for joints, bones, teeth, etc!…, delicious & easy to make

here’s my recipe —

salt water flush

  • clean out your whole digestive track
  • i drink 2 big glasses (~1L) of water that is super-saturated with good quality salt (~2 big spoonfuls)
  • sit on toilet for 1 hour & clean…

aloe vera

  • great medicine for skin & stomach
  • easy to grow everywhere
Aloe Vera

plants to clean the air

  • #2 easily grows w/ no sun & in only water for years !…

food combining

  • food digests at very different PH levels — some don’t mix well


  • more homemade probiotics — is a sour, sparkling and fermented liquid
  • yummy drink and many, many uses!… great website

coconut oil

  • 77 ways to use…
  • after every shower, i rub my whole body — take care of your skin!

sunflower sprouts

  • easily grow tons of greens in a small space
  • no sun needed — & so Yummy!
  • seed to your mouth in 1 week
  • store in the refigerator for 10 days easily

chia & flax seeds

pineapple / apple-cider vinegar

  • easy to make & Yummy!… it’s natural soda like your great grandma used to make…probiotics !
  • Kombucha is made very similarly & Yum!

see my recipe here


  • easy to make & Yummy!

colloidal silver

  • fun to make // but be careful to do it well…
  • kills germs

coffee scrub

  • rub the used grounds all over your body & rinse
  • your skin will feel sooo soft ( & smell : )


  • easy to make
  • mix: coconut oil & cocoa powder & sugar
  • put in freezer for 30minutes & enjoy!
it Does melt in your hand!…

intro 2 bitcoin — great talk

i answer Jimmy’s geography question

about me…

i love my family !

for a long time, i’m inspired by —

tibetan buddhist tradition

lived in Asia some years

teaching english to kids

// great way to travel & save money…

kids r soooo cool & cute !


inspired by Andreas Antonopolous

bitcoin rabbit hole…

in December 2017, when the price of BTC was at all-time-highs,

I got scared

i’d never had that much money before…

and i had it ALL stored on a Trezor…

in a safe…

in my apartment…

and lots of people knew — I was into Bitcoin,…

and i knew, — how easily someone could steal it !…

and there were NO solutions !…

“guns, safes, and ‘duress’ pass-phrases…

were my only options…

so, i developed CWAP —

the “counter Wrench-Attack protocol”

specifically, to solve my problem —

the “$5 Wrench-Attack” problem

in the past year,

i’ve written 15 Bitcoin articles…

just trying to help — people be safe !…

& trying to help Bitcoin…

gotta love Martin…


I’m looking for critiques

& friends to collaborate on —

CWAP & cool Bitcoin projects…

Do you know —

  • someone who might like to collaborate with me ?…
  • someone who might like to sponsor my work ?…
  • a cool job in a Bitcoin company ?…
  • someone who might like private-consultation

set-up CWAP & safe BTC storage

pay — BTC only

$25 ~ 100 usd / hour — // sliding scale

gotta be private!
it was so nice to live & work here for 4 months

bitcoin english-teacher

i’m an experienced English teacher

i enjoy it — and, keyMonkey’s gotta ‘pay the bills’…

  • live chat, with me // 10am — 10pm — Tokyo, Japan UTC+09:00
  • via — voice messages
  • also, i can edit your writing/article/paper

fuck fiat !

power to the people

we’re all satoshi


do you thing…




i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter




— CWAP — “Seed-Splitting” BTC Storage — HODL Safe! —