home-grown recipes

bone broth, pineapple soda, sunflower micro-greens & more

5 min readSep 14, 2018

bone broth

  • 30 chicken feet
  • a handful of salt

the above ingredients consistently produce a great, thick jelly !


  • non-oily fish heads (1kg or so) the more the better — sea-bass, snapper,& barracuda are great
  • any vinegar — 0.5 cup (best is homemade pineapple ; ) see below


  • big pot of water
so sad to cook & drink this being,… but so good health effects !

brew —

  • bring h2o to a boil
  • drop in fish heads OR chicken feet
  • bring back to a light simmer
  • add vinegar (~0.5 cup) OR salt

cook at a light simmer for 1–3 hours (for fish)

3–6 hours for chicken (the longer the better)

  • stir every 15 minutes

after the first hour,

  • use a wooden spoon to pound & crush the material
  • add more water to top-off pot as needed ( b/c of evaporation loss)

after a few hours,

  • stop heat
  • let cool
  • strain liquid and discard all material
  • store liquid in glass or pot in refrigerator

a strong brew will turn into a thick jelly when refrigerated overnight

serve —

warm it up and add salt to taste


my health effects —

after only 4 days of drinking 300ml in the morning

i dramatically noticed that my joints were more lubricated

the story is —

“…one morning,

on my way to school,

riding my bike,

i was like, “what’s up with my bike today !?!…”

“did i just oil-up the chain or something ?…

“NO, it’s my body !

then, i pulled over

and wiggled and danced to feel it better

& with a crazy look on my face like, WOW !!!…

at first,

it may smell & taste fishy,…

but, now i love it !

pineapple soda OR vinegar

it’s easy to make & Sooooo Yummy !

i love to sip on it chilled, on ice…

this batch had fresh ginger & cinnamon

ingredients —

  • water
  • a big glass jug
  • a pineapple
  • sugar

some people use the outside skin to make Vinegar

and eat the meat inside of the pineapple…

but, i try to avoid pesticides,

which are concentrated mostly in the outside skin…


  • cut off & compost the outside pineapple skin


  • cut the inside meat into small pieces
  • add the sugar and pineapple meat cubes into the water
  • stir it up
  • put a cloth cover over the jar, so it can breathe…

and stir as often as possible…

  • stir 2–3 times a day will be fine

after ~1-3 days,

you will see it bubble and foam,

especially when u stir

after another day,

the bubbling will stop —

  • take out all the pineapple pieces
  • squeeze the juice out of them

now, it’s soda

  • bottle & refrigerate
now, With lime juice, wow! yum!…

re-useable bottle caps — u just pop on & off…


to make vinegar

  • put on an air-tight lid
  • & continue to stir for another few days


with the air-tight lid, pressure builds…

so, you need to open it at least one-time every day…or !!!

after a few more days, it’s vinegar…

you will know —

  • now, pressure does not build-up
  • now, it tastes very sour

So! — only now, you can store it away of long-time

now, there’s no need to open the lid or stir

  • store it somewhere — dark & cool

but, careful —a few months later, when u open it…

it might bubble up and fizzle, but just a bit !…



the bacteria in the pineapple eat the sugar

they have many babies

u drink all the babies

those babies (probiotics) are good 4 u ; )

Pro-tip — experiment with sugar & time →stronger brew, more alcohol…

How to Grow Sunflower Micro-Greens

first, you need to buy the right kind of seeds…

there are 2 kinds

  • the normal kind u eat (black & white striped)
  • black oil (which are smaller and all black)

soak them overnight in water

in the morning, drain & rinse

next, you need a container in which to plant them

// they must be sprouted in soil

the soil does not need to be deep

1–2cm of soil below & on top is fine

spread the seeds out evenly

they can be packed together tightly

but, not on top of each other too much…

// they don’t like or need direct sunlight

water them in well

water them a little every day, as needed


in ~3 days, they will sprout up


at ~Day 7,

they will be ready to harvest…

you’ll know they’re ready to harvest & eat

because —

the first 2 big leaves are big & fat

if, the next 2 leaves (the 3rd & 4th) start to grow,

harvest quickly, because

it shows the next stage of growth began

// & they will not be as nutritious or yummy

use scissors or a knife

and cut them right above the soil

or pull them out, roots & all

rinse them well, but gently,

with cold water

spread them out on a towel to dry

put them in an air-tight container/ bag,

right before they are totally dry

they will stay fresh in the refrigerator

for 1 week easily

and usually 2 weeks is ok…

grow, eat & enjoy !


easy to make!

mix —

  • coconut oil
  • sugar
  • cocoa (powder)

you may need to heat the oil slightly

— in order to melt & mix the sugar


  • coconut milk — makes the chocolate softer, more like fudge
  • nuts
  • coconut flakes
  • cinnamon & spices

put in freezer ~30minutes

with coco milk — it might need to harden overnight

i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter

cool links & about me




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