dream yoga & lucid dreaming

links, how to, & my personal experiences…

8 min readOct 26, 2018

you might enjoy reading about my experiences & advise below… but these books are Awesome & written by experts —

tibetan yoga of dream and sleep” (wangyal)

  • super clear presentation — of dream yoga, in the context of ultimate meditation !… free pdf
  • an awesome teacher w/ videos on Youtube

conscious dreaming(robert moss)

  • from the Australian aboriginal tradition — doing some very advanced practices

lucid dreaming” (laBerge)

  • fascinating university studies !
  • proved it in the lab in ‘94 — how did he do that… guess you’ll have to read it and find out…

i’ve had many amazing, lucid dreams over the past 20 years

it’s not hard, if u practice

and practice is quick & easy

basic skill is easy, if u simply practice

like most things i’m sure...

2 main methods

  • recognition
  • remembrance


recognition is harder because it takes a greater level of concentration and awareness

the method is to

prop your back up in the morning

which is when most dreams occur

even better — if u get up, after 6 hours sleep

do dome yoga, drink some tea, whatever

then go back to bed for a nap

again, prop up a bit

posture affects your mind

then keep your eyes closed, but LOOK

at first, you won’t see anything….

then some flashes of light…

some movement…

images & ideas…

here’s when u need to be a good yogi

and not get distracted…

if u get distracted, — u fall asleep like normal…

stay focused and watch !…

images will appear…

then, they’ll get clearer…

soon, whole scenes will arise…

then, u can simply step into it…

and you’re awake in the dream world !…

which is a very trippy place…

pro-tip- try meditating in your dream !

and get ready for some Super, crazy shit…


with this method, you’re basically developing a habit

which will transfer from your waking mind to your dreaming mind

so, practice it as much as possible!

practice only takes a minute

so, practice as much as you can…

whenever you remember to practice — do it !

or try to do it every hour

if you practice hard for a week or two —

i’m sure you’ll have a lucid dream by then…

so, how to practice…

do this —

a reality check

are you dreaming?…

but, how do you know…

spoiler alert — you don’t !

there are only a few things that differ from the waking & dreaming states

“Pinch me!” — i must be dreaming — no, that doesn’t work …

sensations are strong

colors, smells, tastes… all the sensations

are WAY stronger in the dream…

actually, it feels much “realer” than the waking state does

FYI — some cultures believe the dream state

is more real than the waking state…

anyways, — here’s what’s different between waking & dreaming

things that differ —

  • gravity
  • digital clocks / screens
  • your hand
  • and maybe a few other things…

so, you start a “Reality Check” by asking —

“is this a dream?”

and not just in a robotic way

you really need to wonder, to be open to the possibility…

because here’s the thing —

the funny, crazy thing —

your mind does NOT want you to know it’s a dream !

not just a little… it really doesn’t want you to know !…

actually, it tries everything that it can, to convince you otherwise…

it’ll try to distract you, attack you, seduce you…

ok, so, ask the question…& really wonder…

then, you need to check

my favorite way to check is by looking at my hand

“do i have all 5 fingers…

in the dream, you hand won’t look the same

and will actually change & morph before your eyes

but, again, because your mind doesn’t want you to know it’s a dream —

you might even think up elaborate reasons why your hand has 6 fingers

“oh, it’s because of nuclear radiation” or….

SO — you really need to wonder & check & consider the possibility

this might be a dream !?!…

well, if you’re reading this, — it’s probably not

because, as i mentioned,

computer screens change & morph in a dream…

so, you ask the question, then examine your hand

maybe look at your phone,

really check well !…

all is normal — ok, it’s the waking state

next, reflect, like so —

“now, it’s not a dream, but tonight i will be in a dream…

“it will be soo real… but i want to remember to check !

“i want to realize it’s a dream !… & I will realize !”

and then, you need — a plan

FYI — i just realized that an inspiring plan →

will inspire your practice…

but, you probably won’t practice hard,

if you don’t have a strong motivation, right…

usually, when you do realize it’s a dream,

you get so excited — “oh my god — it’s a dream!”

and you breathe super fast — hyper-ventilation-style

and you wake up — prematurely…

what a let-down…


so, back to your practice —

“i’m gonna realize it’s a dream”

then start rubbing your hands together

like when your cold…

and, remember — do this in the dream too!

say to yourself — “ok, it’s a dream — stay calm”

rub your hands together

and take deep breaths… slowly…

rubbing hands & deep breathing will help you to stay grounded

and stay in the dream…

do that for 5–10 seconds

as, you start your plan

u need a plan

may i recommend — fly somewhere…

& — try to find someone you love…

flying is fun !…

everyone loves it !…

plan where you want to go…

or who you want to see…

you can do ANYTHING !

so, please, inspire a great plan!…

and go!…try!…

but remember — it’s just a plan…

it’s probably not gonna work-out like you have planned

that’s part of life’s crazy adventure, right…

it would be boring if you could simply control everything

which is what everyone thinks…

FYI — NO ! — you can’t control everything , just because you know it’s a dream…

that’s some next-level, advanced shit !…

hard-core yogi

good luck even flying — as that’s often not easy…

but, you’ll probably be able to jump really high

so, that’s a start…

& still fun!…

so, back to your practice —

imagine doing your plan

imagine the ideal — what you want to happen

more or less — whatever…

2 more quick ways to finish the practice well

think, “i want to identify “dream signs”

and “i want to wake up at the end

and remember the dream & write it down”

what are “Dream Signs” ?…

they’re the things that often occur in your dreams

maybe you’re always at the beach…

or you, often times, you see this person…

if you can identify these things

and bring more awareness to them,

especially in the waking state,

they can help you to identify if you’re dreaming

also, things that are reoccurring in your dreams

are probably things that you should be more mindful of…

maybe they are trying to tell you something…

if you have a “reoccurring dream” — perfect !

add to your practice —

if you see it in daily-life— do a reality check

note — how you want to wake up at the end

and write down, at least some key points,

so you don’t forget the dream…

actually, you probably have lucid dreams often,

but just don’t remember…

how sad…

so write something down !

writing about normal dreams just after u wake up,

is highly recommended, too…

‘changing the channel’

if you’re lucid in a dream,

but you don’t like what’s happening

you can change the scene…

how so, you ask…


spread your arms out wide

and spin like a top

like a “whirling dervish”

you will actually spin super, crazy fast

it’s easy

and when you come to a stop,

your environment will have changed…

cool, right…

the dream world is some super, crazy shit !…

here’s some more crazy stuff —

you can’t say your name in a dream

they say — you’ll wake up

but, i actually did it ; )

everything shook, like a big earthquake

and i thought i was gonna wake up

but i didn’t ; )


some body-postures produce certain kinds of dreams

if you lay on your back and put your hands behind your head

like you’re soooo relaxed,

that tends to invite demons

or call it what you will

true story —

since i was a boy, i had a reoccurring nightmare

i was always attacked in the same painful way…

Terrence McKenna, once mentioned —

~ “ that it’s a common experience with aliens…


i was assaulted in my dreams 100’s of times

in the most painful, unpleasant way imaginable

do i need to actually say it…


and so badly, that —

when, i’d wake up in the morning,

i’d still be in pain

still feel the sensations

for 15–20 minutes

after i got up…

please, keep your theories to yourself

i don’t care…

but, this is interesting —

when I was in retreat,

i had many, many lucid dreams

and got to try many different methods

trying to stop this ‘demon’ from hurting me…

i tried —

  • talking to him
  • fighting him
  • loving him
  • praying to my lama
  • meditating
  • transforming my body into a wrathful Tibetan deity and shooting lightning bolts at him
  • i trying everything i could think of…

nothing worked…

he just did his thing

and i’d wake up in pain…


what’s the moral here…

i don’t know…

cultivate patience, maybe…

some karmas just gotta purify…

i don’t know…

lastly, if movies like “Inception”, were based on science —

they’d actually be so much cooler…

read more about this amazing topic !

& try !

it’s easy & sooo cool !

sweet dreams !…

i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter

cool links & about me




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