Satoshi Speaks

how to memorize seed-words & intuition game

3 min readJun 12, 2018

Memorizing your 12 or 24 nemonic seed-words helps to keep your private-keys safe, especially when:

  • storing backups
  • crossing international borders
  • bugging-out” in emergencies

How to

Format the seed-words into a crypto poem.

Take your seed-words and divide them into parts —

stanzas & verses & stuff…

Consider each line as a separate sentence or idea…

i really like 3 words in one sentence, but — please do as you like…

example of format

Recite the poem everyday UNTIL it’s memorized…

*** Don’t speak them out-loud !… your phone & computer’s microphone could be recording…

Recite the poem everyday even AFTER it’s memorized.

Satoshi Speaks

The trick to remembering 24 random words is to find meaning. If it has symbolism and importance to you, it will be fun to recite and easy to remember.

Pro Tips —

  • The meaning will naturally, slowly develop in your mind. Don’t force it.
  • If you don’t like the seed-words, when you first generate them — discard them & create new ones.

Security Bonus !

Cut & mix-up paper backups (when you have them Very Memorized!)

Cut into Verses
Stored together with Decoys


  • will slow down or stop an unsophisticated attacker…
  • add some obscurity

be safe!

Note! — *** this is only one small part of a system of advanced private-key management — read about CWAP & HODL SAFE !

‘Satoshi Speaks’ — the party game

Way more random than Tarot cards or Ouija-boards… these magic words can illuminate your intuition & be a great ice-breaker for a small, intimate affair…

How to play

  • sit in a circle
  • take turns asking questions

make your question clear — whether it be about work or love — just make it specific, personal, interesting & real

should i take that new job ?…

should i keep dating her ?…

  • everyone contemplate the question
  • generate 12 seed-words
  • read the 12 words for everyone
  • the person who asked the questions can share her thoughts AND/OR ask everyone for advise…


during the key-generation process, when the little circle is swirling around on your computer screen,… and anything is possible… this helps your mind to relax and your intuition become clearer…

it doesn’t matter what words appear — they do NOT tell the future !

and if your mind is really quiet,…

and, you really try to hear,…

you just might be able

to hear Satoshi speak…

cool links & about me

i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter




— CWAP — “Seed-Splitting” BTC Storage — HODL Safe! —