“Duress” pass-phrases are Dangerous!

plausible-deniability vs. Wrench-Attacks

3 min readJun 20, 2018

Pass-phrases can provide a reasonable-level of defense in scenarios where plausible-deniability is effective, such as at border-crossings & for financial-privacy… So, use it for that and other purposes…

Pass-phrases SUCK for defending against physical-attacks !

You can not keep secrets when someone is hurting you !

Can you deceive or resist the attacker?

trick question!

— how you will respond in such an extreme situation is unknowable!…

and it’s stressful — if this is your perfunctory plan…

“everyone has a plan,

until they get hit in the face”

— Mike Tyson

secrets are also antithetical to the open-source approach

security by obscurity

Andreas Antonopoulos, from 30 Aug 2018

“security by obscurity — relying on the fact that people don’t know……is the weakest form of security…”

Unfortunately, this dangerous advise is common from leaders like SatoshiLabs, nvk and Pamela Morgan

video of Pamela explaining this dangerous approach
Bach’s non-sequitur rationale

link to Bach N.’s article, high-lighted above.

actually, they COMPOUND the damage, NOT “limit” it…

link to nvk’s bad advise, pictured above.

Not only does this provide a false sense of security,…

the irony of bad advise

Furthermore, not only is this dangerous advise for Hodlers, but it also incentives Attackers to beat and torture you — because they know that the industry-standard-practice is to simply keep a secret !

it also, incentivizes attempts — because there are big pay-offs if saving accounts are simply hidden with a secret word…

Collateral Damage

since “duress” pass-phrases are the industry-standard-practice today,

Attackers will assume that most people are employing this defense…

so, even if you aren’t using them —

“duress” pass-phrases are putting you in danger !

to summarize —

BEFORE — they incentivize attacks !

DURING — they incentivize torture !

AFTER — you lose all your bitcoin !…

Check your friends !

—because this foolish strategy is ubiquitous!

play on classic wrench cartoon

Bonus !

  • Pass-phrases can also be used to designate heir’s wallets in your Inheritance plan…

i’m so happy to report that nvk agrees —

waiting for coldCard’s site to update…

cool links & about me

i’m @keyMonkey on Mastodon

i’m @oceans4all on twitter




— CWAP — “Seed-Splitting” BTC Storage — HODL Safe! —