A Critical Look at the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

4 min readJul 23, 2020



At present, society is facing many environmental challenges such as climate change, clean water availability, and other global issues. These issues involve businesses, governments, citizens, and institutions. Many urgent challenges may be resolved only at a global level by promoting sustainable development.

Sustainability satisfies the needs of people and businesses without sacrificing the well-being of future generations, promising a balance between care for the environment and economic progress. The main purpose of sustainable development is to find solutions to cope with problems made by industrialization. People must take climate action and the 2030 Agenda is a great step forward for achieving harmony worldwide. It contains Sustainable Development Goals that act as a call to action to guarantee the well-being of people and protect the Earth.

What are Sustainable Development Goals?

In 2015, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda that includes a collection of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are also called Global Goals and require the active participation of businesses, individuals, administrations, and all countries in creating equal opportunities for everybody to live a better life and not to harm the environment. The collection features 17 goals that are connected and the final success of which depends on how people will work to achieve them.

In general, SDGs can be summarized in the following way:

  • overcome inequality worldwide, including gender issue
  • remove hunger and poverty providing a healthy life
  • support innovations and resilient infrastructure
  • building sustainable cities and strong communities
  • give access to all basic services such as sanitation, water, and sustainable energy to everybody
  • protect land ecosystems and the oceans
  • build capacity by offering decent work conditions and inclusive education
  • foster collaboration between people and organizations for minimising negative impact on the environment and achieving sustainable development

How is Attainment of SDGs Measured?


People exhaust the natural resources of the Earth and can’t ignore the fact anymore. Unfortunately, while business, governments and common people understand the “why” to change, “how” remains the matter of confusion and debate. Those who want to implement Sustainable Development Goals need to know what things work and what practices are flawed and ineffective and what should be changed and improved. Only by having this information, they will be able to achieve 17 objectives and make life more sustainable.

The authors of the 2030 Agenda introduced the method to measure the status quo against SDGs. In particular, this can be done using 100 indicators matching 169 targets. Each target is tied to at least one target.

How Can We Achieve Sustainable Development?

Conducting critical analysis of Sustainable Development Goals, many experts state that they are inconsistent, challenging to realize and to monitor. However, SDGs prove to have the potential to take care of our sustainable future. Each country can work out its own plans and complete all objectives step by step.

Here are some steps that need to be taken to achieve sustainable development with SDGs:

  1. People should welcome a circular economy approach and demand should diminish
  2. The governments must improve the education system to make it embrace education for sustainability principles: this will grow a society with a new mindset and new worldview
  3. Traditional cities should transform into smart cities that would incorporate decent housing and up-to-date infrastructure
  4. People should use renewable sources of energy at home and workplaces
  5. Digital revolution must take place more wisely, without harming the environment
  6. Meat consumption should diminish; people should find ways to increase agricultural productivity
understanding sustainability

Many businesses are already on their way to a sustainable future. They work towards the sustainability goals and engage in sustainability reporting, for which Sustainable Development Goals is one of the leading frameworks. However, companies and governments are not the only important players in a big project called a Sustainable Planet. The United Nations believes that everyone must realize the necessity of pro-environmental actions and take personal responsibility for promoting efforts to make SDGs a reality.

The Final Thoughts

Sustainability is not only about the environment — it is about the equal rights and opportunities for everyone in this and future generations. This is what Sustainable Development Goals are focused on, and you can become an important contributor to the successful outcome.

SustainOnline offers online sustainability education that will help you to get closer to the perfect place to live, create, and work. Whatever sustainability initiative or goal you choose to commit to, SustainOnline education will equip you with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for change. Becoming an active member of modern society who cares about the Earth, social well-being, and safe economic growth starts here.




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