Story behind Swachhcoin and Journey so far…

3 min readJun 5, 2018


From the CEO :

I am blessed to be educated in a premiere research institute of India where I have been studying various aspects of Earth Sciences since 2014. The issue of waste management caught my attention in the early 2015 and since then there has been no turning back. I initially worked as volunteer in various awareness and cleanliness campaigns organised by local NGO’s. The results I got after digging deep into the prevailing waste generation and management practices globally were extremely disturbing. I felt that we were heading towards a doomsday and the only chance we have at avoiding such a fate was to act with all our might by developing and utilising the best possible technologies available to mankind.

Swachhcoin aims to create a decentralised waste management ecosystem that perceives waste as the greatest untapped resource and utilises it to fulfil human needs in any possible manner. With Swachhcoin, any waste contributor is rewarded monetarily in Swachh Tokens for responsible waste disposal in their nearby Swachh Bins. Also, any and every waste processing industry associated with Swachhcoin will have the most advanced tools and technologies at their disposal designed exclusively for their day to day operations to increase their efficiency and productivity. The ecosystem thus developed is beneficial for everyone associated with it and also our planet.

The basic idea is to aware the masses about the possibility of waste around them and provide them necessary motivation to manage their waste properly through the reward system. This is the single most important factor to overcome the prevailing situation since it can over a period of time bring about a significant change in behaviour of a huge population where they become more responsible towards their waste disposal. Also, the industries getting equipped with the state of the art technologies will enable them produce excellent quality outputs with ground breaking efficiency and productivity. We are using Big Data, IoT, AI along with Blockchain technology for the said purpose.

Out of all the available options, we chose ethereum technology for at least our initial phase particularly owing to its mass adoption, flexibility and ease of integration. In future, we look forward to develop our own blockchain based on the community support the we receive in the coming days.

We have an ongoing Pre-Sale where a number of investors have committed over 1,000 Ethers. A total of 25,111,111 out of 276,000 tokens allocated for Crowdfunding will be up for grabs during PreSale. This phase will end on 15th June 2018 or until all the tokens allocated for presale are sold, whichever is first. The primary objective of presale is to accumulate enough funds to kickstart the main token sale. Maximum portion of the funds received during pre-sale will go into marketing campaign, necessary collaborations, hiring outside help if necessary and platform development for main token sale. The main token sale is scheduled to begin on 14th July 2018 and will last until 15th August 2018 for 31 days period or until hard cap is reached, whichever is first. Maximum portion of tokens allocated for main token sale will be directed towards our development and industry deployments.

Also the fact that being a start-up and doing a crowdsale is really a hectic task. You are a start-up that needs to gain attention relating to very scarce resources, but you also need a global presence, you are a beginner in front of many, but you still need to work harder and harder to reach the goals set by big players, you are so tiny, but you need to answer to millions and may be billions for us considering the Indian name we have adopted. It was a hard decision, but at least we are aware of the responsibility.

I would like to invite all of you to join us, so we can run with the biggest players on the market — let’s create the future of waste management together! We would love the support from the people around to help us keep supporting further to cross our limitations and provide the world with a real smart solution for Waste Management.

Let’s create the future of Smart Cities together!

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And please feel free to send a mail to if you have more questions.




Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.