Swachhcoin: Implementing a modern Global Waste Management DAO

3 min readMay 24, 2018


“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will change it.” — Robert Swan

Humanity’s push towards modernisation has solved an untold number of problems, and the current consumerist system is pulling 250,000 people out of poverty every day.

However, this kind of advancement comes at a cost — namely, the amount waste it produces.

Already there are areas of the land and oceans which are so polluted with refuse that they have become no-go zones; poisonous to both human and animal life.

Fortunately, one company is starting to apply the kind of advanced solution that an advanced problem like this requires.

Swachhcoin is a new cryptocurrency platform which seeks to bring the benefits of the blockchain to the world of waste management.

Quite simply, users will be incentivised to properly dispose of their waste; receiving SWACHH tokens in return for responsible waste management. The process is made simple by smart tools such as the SWBIN (Swachh Bin), which identifies the type of waste and initiates a token reward for the person who deposited it.

This novel idea actually already has some real-world basis; in the U.K, citizens are rewarded for returning and recycling glass bottles. While in Germany, it’s possible to regain around 40% of the cost you paid on a crate of beer just by returning the empty bottles responsibly.

Those schemes use fiat currency and worked great for the respective countries, but now Swachhcoin is taking it a step further.

A Decentralized Autonomous Waste Management Organization

Swachhcoin brings together the four most advanced technologies of modern times: Big Data, IoT, Blockchain and AI, to revolutionize the waste management space, while addressing all of the tensions points in the current system.

Tools like SwATA (Swachh Big Data) address the need for a smart data management protocol, which can enable more efficient logging of data by using the decentralized blockchain.

SwATEL (Swachh Adaptive Intelligence) refers to Swachhcoin’s use of adaptive intelligence technology, which increases the efficiency of every-day processing operations by making machines and equipment ‘intelligent’.

The inevitable push towards an internet of things (IoT) is also foreseen by the company, as they utilize their SwIOT (Swachh Internet of Things) to collect and connect all of the disparate elements of waste management into one secure, easily managed place.

Smart Technology, Used Smartly

In addition to the previously mentioned SwBIN, these technologies combine to create a decentralized autonomous organization for waste management.

Swachhcoin target domestic households by incentivising responsible management of waste; while at the same time, providing the physical tools and digital infrastructure for industry professionals to feel confident adopting such a system.

The autonomous aspect of the system is amplified by the ability to advertise on the SwBIN’s integrated LED panels. Any holder of SWACHH tokens can pay for advertising space on the smart bins, further fuelling the decentralized and autonomous nature of the project.

Global waste management is an issue that threatens the very foundation of our society: it’s a messy problem that requires clear thinking.

By approaching the problem from the viewpoint of both the consumer of waste products, and the industry captains who clean it up, Swachhcoin has presented a very viable solution to keeping the world clean.

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Aiming to implement & validate a system integrated w/ blockchain providing a robust, sustainable and efficient solution to revolutionise the waste management.