Instructions for participation in the SwissBorg Referendum

Cyborg @SwissBorg
3 min readApr 3, 2018


Greetings community members! It is time to cast your vote in our referendum and be rewarded for your participation.

If at any point you encounter problems and need help, please consult our FAQs for the referendum, join our Telegram channel or email

Receiving RSB tokens

As a CHSB token holder, you will have received RSB tokens automatically in the same wallet where you hold CHSB tokens, if tokens were in your own ERC-20 wallet (such as MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, ImToken, Eidoo, etc.) during the 31st of March 2018, but NOT if your tokens were in an exchange.

RSB tokens will be used exclusively to vote in the referendum, and tokens not used by the end of this referendum will be burned, thus disappearing from your wallet.

The easiest way to check if you have received RSB tokens is to enter your wallet address in the search field of

Before voting

Your vote will influence the development of the SwissBorg Platform so please read the documentation provided before voting. Your careful consideration of the criteria presented is very important for the future of SwissBorg.

Read the Short Presentation about Referendum #1
Read the White Paper about Referendum #1

How to vote using the Voting Interface

Because the referendum takes place on the blockchain, and part of our mission is to make blockchain technology accessible to everyone, we have created a user-friendly web interface so you can easily cast your vote.

Requirements: To use the interface, you will need a computer and the MetaMask extension, which works with the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Brave.

💡 Alternatively, you can vote without the interface by executing the transfers manually.

Step 1: Go to

You will be asked to unlock your MetaMask extension in order to access the voting interface.

To do so, simply click on the MetaMask icon in your browser, and enter your password.

After unlocking MetaMask, refresh the page and click on the green “Vote now” button to proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Enter your email and accept terms

After unlocking MetaMask, please enter your email, then click Next to accept the terms and continue

Step 3: Select your answer

After reading the documentation carefully, please select your desired answer and click the “Vote” button.

Step 4: Submit the transaction through MetaMask

After selecting your answer and clicking “Vote”, a MetaMask window will open asking you to submit or reject the transaction.

This simply means that when clicking “Submit”, your RSB tokens will be sent to the address that represents the answer you have chosen.

Transfer settings (Gas Limit and Gas Price) have already been preconfigured so there is nothing you need to change.

Click “Submit” to proceed to cast your vote.

Final step: Receiving your reward

After submitting your answer, the reward will be calculated and sent to the same wallet you used to participate in the referendum, automatically.

Due to possible network congestions, please allow up to two days or more for the reward to appear in your wallet.

Please check to see if you have received the reward.

Still need help?
If at any point you encounter problems and need help, please consult our FAQs for the referendum, join our Telegram channel or email

