What is the StacksCity | Interconnecting the Best World Network

3 min readNov 9, 2019


The business has secured 26 commonplace managerial locales in China. Presently, our complete Internet data transfer capacity is 2000G+, and the absolute substance reserve is 100PB+, covering TOP10000+ sites and 20000+ speeding up channels, understanding the dynamic increasing speed of numerous application sites.

Our specialized staff represents 70% and has shaped an expert activity and enhancement investigation group. Redone activity investigation streamlining stage is created, consolidating workforce points of interest and the computerized proficient examination stage to furnish clients with proficient, ongoing administrations, to guarantee the nature of the client’s matter of fact and the client experience, decreasing the client working weight.

We are focused on building more Faster communities — Stackscity Project

Beginning in 2014, Stacks has been attempting to construct a more brilliant interconnected world. From giving information stockpiling and transmission administrations for endeavors to the venture organize engineering, Stacks has explored constantly savvy interconnection. We accept that in the coming period of the Internet of Things, effective, secure and astute information transmission will be the establishment and center of the Internet of Things. Step by step instructions to build up a stage for correspondence connects between various frameworks, how to address the issues of the effectiveness of mass information transmission in endeavors, and how to ensure the information security of ventures or clients are every one of the headings we are focused on investigating.


No decentralized structure is finished without its fundamental component — the token. As I said in StacksCity, he additionally has a somewhat dependable strategic play out every single monetary activity to pay for the administrations offered by the framework. The token itself will have a contracted name — SCT, it will be created based on the Ethereum blockchain, the ERC-20 standard. Altogether, the designers mean to give tokens totaling 40 billion with an underlying estimation of $0.001 for 1 coin.

Build free WiFi Hotspot:-

Stacks city manufactures a free and shared WiFi ecosphere through publicly supporting. It fabricates a free WiFi hotspot in open regions through publicly supporting. The hotspot will be propelled on Stacks city’s legitimate site. Promoting the request side can straightforwardly choose the WiFi hotspot in the objective zone for publicizing offerings (DSP).

More intelligent LBS advertising system:-

Decentralization of the WiFi problem area the board empowers undertaking to deftly publicize and spare expenses. Every WiFi hotspot is an independent shrewd gadget, and promoters can pick at least one gadgets freely for discharge, with complete exactness on the objective WiFi hotspot.

Extensive Coverage in China:-

Ø Covering 26+ provinces

Ø 20+ business nodes

Ø Bandwidth 2000G+

Ø Transmission 18,000+ kilometers

Ø Content cache 100+PB

Ø 20,000+ acceleration channels

Ø Forwarding capacity 30Gbps+

Ø The spare packet processing capacity 5MRDS+

Focus Connecting:-

Rich bandwidth resources

Huge data transmission assets, steady and solid

• Complete metropolitan region organize and long-separation transmission arrange assets to give solid help to broadband access

Management advantage:-

• Intensive help outlets, unified administration

• There are a few system engineers with CCIE/CCNP capabilities. Liable for the spine arrange the executives of the whole Cetronnet.

• 7 X 24 expert group specialized help

Line advantage:-

Through the collaboration with the foundation accomplices, Stacksnetwork has constructed a long-separation transmission coordinate with transmission connects all through the nation.

Storage advantage:-

The interconnected gadget inert bundle preparing capacity isn’t under 5MRDS, and the sending ability isn’t under 30Gbps.

• There are many self-manufactured PC rooms in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, and so forth.

StacksCity is building a free WiFi biological system in open zones as a Sharing Economy. With the arrangement offered by StacksCity, it helps fabricate an open WiFi environment that answers the requirements of Internet clients, the two people, and organizations.

Profile Details is here:

Website Address: https://stackscity.com/downtown

BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2289519
Medium Address: https://medium.com/@stackscityacc
Telegram Address: https://t.me/joinchat/KUlHIxPk1thv9IzbYdcuxQ
Ethereum Account: 0x249a078fFACfe478467Da27908327a2007B1750B
Facebook Address: https://www.facebook.com/stackscity
TG User Account: @BEGUM31
Linkedin Address: https://www.linkedin.com/company/stackscity
Twitter Address: https://twitter.com/StacksCity_ANN
BitcoinTalk Account: GiantSimplex24

