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Dynamic Translate using vue-i18n ( VueJS )

Tommy Cxxx
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2017


Hi, If you are using vue-i18n package to let your application enable international language setting, I will show you how to make the vue-i18n to dynamic translate text.


Follow the official installation guide and …

npm install vue-i18n --save

Project Environment

You can use previous articles — Part1, Part2, Part3 to create a Reusable and Scalable structure using vue-cli with vuejs if you no existing vuejs project.

Check Out Source from Github !

Warm Up

Before kick start, let start warm up to use vue-i18n bascially. Suppose you are already integrated vue-i18n into the application.

In locale json file

// en_US.json{
"notice": {
"msg": "You have message"

// zh_CN.json
"notice": {
"msg": "你有短讯"

In component file (.vue)

// HTML Part<h2>{{ $t('lang.notice.msg') }}</h2> // OR
<div v-bind:title="$t('lang.notice.msg')"></div>
// JS Partimport i18n from '../locale/config'

Dynamic Translate with Special Formatting

Well… I believe you already have a preliminary understanding about using vue-i18n. Let’s try to makeDynamic Translate .

In vue-i18n, It can provide Name Formatting and List Formatting .

Suppose the scenario is show different Text in the same message dynamically from some business logic return value.

For Example :

// Dynamic Text
// [alert], [remind], [error]
1. You have alert message. // If return id is 0
2. You have remind message. // If return id is 1
3. You have error message. // If return id is 2

Step 1

Define the Dynamic Text of Return ID in locale json file

// en_US.json{
"notice": {
"msg": "You have {noticeType} message"
"type": [
"text": "alert",
"text": "remind",
"text": "error"
// zh_CN.json{
"notice": {
"msg": "你有{noticeType}短讯"
"type": [
"text": "警报",
"text": "提醒",
"text": "错误"

Step 2

Go back to component (.vue)

// In JS Partdata() {
// From business logic to get notice type id
// 0 = alert, 1 = remind, 2 = error
let num = 2
return {
noticeTypeText: num

// In HTML DOM Part
$t('lang.notice', {
'noticeType': $t(`lang.type[${noticeTypeText}].text`)


In en_US environment,

If num = 0, the message show You have alert message.

If num = 1, the message show You have remind message.

If num = 2, the message show You have error message.

In zh_CN environment

If num = 0, the message show 你有警报短讯.

If num = 1, the message show 你有提醒短讯.

If num = 2, the message show 你有错误短讯.

Extended Study

Project Source (Git)

Dynamic Translate using vue-i18n ( VueJS )

Reusable, Scalable and Easy to organize project using VueJS ( Part 1 )

Reusable, Scalable and Easy to organize project using VueJS ( Part 2 )

Reusable, Scalable and Easy to organize project using VueJS ( Part 3 )

To be Continue…

