10 / Personas

tammy koh
2 min readMay 29, 2022


The following two personas are created from the three interviews done previously.

The Globetrotter (Primary Audience)

Gigi often travels a lot, though she has little knowledge of foreign countries’ cultures and languages. She’s more concerned about planning for things she’ll do there. This often gives her trouble adapting to the difference in culture, language, and even transport.

The Inspired (Secondary Audience)

Ken doesn’t travel a lot and when he does, he only loosely plans for activities to be done there. Though, he is highly inspired by overseas experiences and is interested to learn the ways of life in foreign countries (culture, language, etc.).

Both personas are similar in the sense that they enjoy traveling but know little about the locals’ culture/way of life. Though they do express some interest to learn more about it.
The differences lie in their travel frequency and the level of research before traveling.

Gigi, who faces more frustration overseas due to her lack of knowledge, shall be the key audience as the aim of this project strives to improve one’s travel experience. The next post will cover her journey map.

