15 / It’s the future

tammy koh
4 min readJun 13, 2022


So we’ve explored how the social simulation will manifest, and even discussed some potential problems previously. However, with the advancement of technology, I wonder how far the social simulation game series will go..

So here’s a peek into the future!!

#01 The future of Tourism

I’ve gone on and on for almost 14 posts about how I will like to improve the traveling experience but now that COVID-19 restrictions are looser, the tourism industry is beginning to get innovative again.

That being said, going back to my first HMW statement of “leveraging on interactive digital media to educate on a country’s way of life”, I will like to remind myself of the roots of beginning this project: to remain the essence of another foreign country’s way of life.

The title of this article where the picture is taken literally says “Singapore has the ‘most powerful passport in the world”.

So amidst all my previous crazy metaverse talk, just how will I alleviate tourism and bring a foreign country’s experiences to the user?

#02 Thank you to whoever started tourism (precedent research)

Before going into the history of tourism, there is a need to first define the term.

Tourism (noun) : the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services

I won’t be going in-depth into the history of tourism because that’s really long.
Essentially it dates back to around the 14th century when people traveled to do trading and get other resources. But then these people got curious and started wandering beyond their horizons to other civilizations as they were keen to experience different ways of life.

I think the reason for traveling is pretty self-explanatory from there. I’m more inclined into studying the key factors that shaped and affected tourism throughout the years:

  • People have more free time and spending power
    As modern industrialism kicks in, more people were given more time-consuming jobs, leading to the decline in travel. However, as the economy stabilizes and these people move on to more office work, which granted them more free time and higher spending power.
  • Currencies convenience
    Credit Cards were invented in the 1950s (known as Diners Club Card). Travelers are able to buy things without worrying about the exchange rates. Though many still accept cash, shops overseas these days will much prefer cashless payment (also since COVID-19, cashless payment is contactless and more hygienic. Kinda like our new norm I guess?)
  • Technological development in transportation
    People used to travel in carriages. As technology advanced, modes of transportation changed (from passenger trains, stagecoaches, and sailing ships, to eventually cars and planes). This decreases traveling time and made tourism easy.

Some little fact that I thought was interesting while reading up was that Thomas Cook was the first to elevate tourism as he first introduced a tour package – with travel, accommodation, and food. There was instant demand.

Thomas Cook, one of the men to thank for the introduction of traveling!

Mass tourism began during the early 20th century when paid leave from work is introduced by George Westinghouse, as he believes that people are more productive when given time off (Again, time + money = demand for travel).

Today, tourism is important for a country’s economy — it grows when there are more tourists, and a blooming country attracts EVEN MORE tourists (talk about capitalism). Travelers today are looking for a more immersive experience and adventure, and it is up to the tourism industry to meet these demands.

[The above research is referenced from Tourism Teacher.]

#03 Tourism trends

With the precedent research and the ever-changing technological development in mind, here are some trends/opportunities that can be expected in the tourism industry:

#04 Synthesis and prioritizing these trends

Following the priority matrix, the 3 trends that I will like to focus on are Artificial Intelligence, Personalisation of Trips, and Digital Communities and Media.

#05 Creating future scenarios

The following is a peek into the best and worst case scenarios involving the mentioned three trends. These scenarios are in consideration of the manifested solution (from the to-be journey map) involving a social simulation game series.

This is why cyber security is super crucial and as fast as we’re developing technology, cyber security should advanced double the speed to mitigate breach of data.

Through these scenarios, it’s clear that there are always pros and cons to any kind of innovation — like a double-edged sword. AI is a powerful tool that many leverages in their products and designs, but I think it’s important to recognize the negative implications the technology may bring. This is one factor to keep in mind when working on realizing my solution.

