14 / To-be journey map

tammy koh
3 min readJun 12, 2022


Previously, I came up with an As-Is Journey map (which I’ve also cross-checked with the interviewee that I’ve based my persona) highlighting various challenges and opportunities when my user travels. I’m going to take the opportunities identified and create a to-be journey map that includes the manifested solutions to the challenges faced.

Once again, just a reminder, my How Might We (HMW) statement:

How might we
leverage on interactive digital media to educate on a country’s way of life
in order to
familiarise foreigners with the country and improve one’s free and easy traveling experience.

Before delving into that, I would like to get some stuff straightened in my head.

In my previous post, I considered using Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of the solution, more specifically delving into the metaverse. However, there was a realization that though the metaverse allow people to familiarise themselves with a foreign country, it takes users off their daily real-time experiences (since they have to be immersed in the metaverse if they were to use the product, which will ultimately neglect their day-to-day life). With that in mind, another tangible solution (and currently the one I’m interested in) is through gamification, as it will be also cheaper to maintain compared to a metaverse. It seems like I’m kind of delving back to my original concept of a social simulation game series. (but again, I’m open to more online/offline solutions that can accompany this simulation series, especially after the to-be journey map)

Rest assured that my research and ideation for the metaverse will not go to waste because I’m basically going to gamify the hypothetical metaverse’s features into the series. So just a recap, these features include:
Avatar / Social accounts
Real-time map layout of the foreign country
Virtual shopping experience
Personalised itinerary based on data collected from the user

With all these cleared and out of the way, I present an overview of the to-be journey map of my persona, Gigi Lee [24] (along with the overview of the As-Is journey map for comparison).
[note that the positions of ‘itinerary’ and ‘accommodation’ were swapped upon consulting the represented interviewee]

Click on each to expand (left = As-Is journey map ; right = to-be journey map)

As seen in green (from ‘after solution’), the previous opportunities have been addressed with the pain points mitigated. Even previous stages with little to no pain points have been alleviated with the simulation series.

I’ve also created an in-depth version of the to-be journey map to show how exactly the social simulation is manifested.
[note that headers, points, and post-its in GREEN show the manifestation]

View/download to-be journey map here (please give it some time to load).

Though Gigi does have to spend more time on the planning phase (including the addition of the “Learning / Pre-Experiencing” column), Gigi did face lesser to no challenges during her actual trip, since she was already exposed and have pre-experience the way of life of a foreign country.

However, despite the convenience and alleviation it brings, the social simulation does face certain issues such as:

  • Time is Key
    In order to participate in the social simulation, users have to take real-time off to immerse in the ‘foreign culture’ within the simulation
  • Stranger Danger
    Meeting and striking a conversation with other users through their avatars may be dangerous, especially when users do not know the true identity of who they are talking with
  • Your Data is Everywhere
    With a personalized itinerary and the sharing of information with other avatars, there is a risk that the user’s data will be leaked or hacked, and people may know where the user is going

With that, the next post will explore future thinking of the manifested simulation solution.

