Introduction to Operating systems and Networks

Aditya Raghuvanshi
5 min readJun 29, 2024


CS3.301 Operating Systems and Networks, IIIT Hyderabad

In our increasingly digital age, computers and networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. From the smartphone in your pocket to the servers powering the internet, these systems rely on complex software and hardware interactions to function seamlessly. At the heart of this digital ecosystem lie two fundamental concepts: Operating Systems (OS) and Computer Networks. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to understand these crucial components that form the backbone of modern computing.

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What is an Operating System?

Imagine you’re using a messaging app on your smartphone. You’re typing messages, sending photos, and maybe even making a video call. But have you ever wondered what’s happening behind the scenes to make all of this possible?

An Operating System is the unsung hero that orchestrates this digital symphony. It’s a sophisticated piece of software that acts as a middleman between your applications and the computer’s hardware. The OS is responsible for ensuring that your system operates correctly and efficiently, performing three key functions:

  • Executing programs with ease: The OS manages the execution of your applications, making it simple for you to run multiple programs simultaneously.
  • Memory management: It handles the allocation and deallocation of memory resources, ensuring that each application has the memory it needs to function.
  • Input/Output (I/O) device handling: The OS manages various I/O devices, from your keyboard and mouse to more complex peripherals like cameras and sensors.

The Power of Abstraction

One of the key principles in system design is simplicity, and the OS achieves this through abstraction. Just as you don’t need to know the intricacies of a car’s engine to drive it, you don’t need to understand the complex hardware operations to use a computer. The OS provides a simplified interface, abstracting away the complicated details of hardware management.

This abstraction is similar to how you interact with a streaming service like Netflix. You see a user-friendly interface with movies and TV shows, but behind the scenes, there’s a complex system of servers, content delivery networks, and algorithms working together to provide your seamless viewing experience.

The Three Pillars of Operating Systems

Operating Systems are built upon three fundamental concepts:

CS3.301 Operating Systems and Networks, IIIT Hyderabad

Virtualization (Process and Memory)

  • Process Virtualization: The OS gives each process the illusion that it has its own CPU, even when multiple processes are running on a single processor.
  • Memory Virtualization: Each process feels as though it has enough memory, even when the physical RAM is limited and shared among many processes.


  • The OS allows multiple processes to run simultaneously without interfering with each other.
  • It provides mechanisms for processes to work together efficiently, managing shared resources and communication between processes.


  • The OS handles interactions with storage devices like hard drives and SSDs.
  • It manages file systems, ensuring that data is stored persistently even when the power is turned off.

The Dual Roles of an Operating System

An OS plays two crucial roles in a computer system:

  1. Resource Management: The OS efficiently allocates and manages system resources such as CPU time, memory, and I/O devices among various processes and applications.
  2. Hardware Abstraction: It provides a consistent interface for applications to interact with diverse hardware components, simplifying software development and improving portability.

Computer Networks: Connecting the Digital World

While operating systems manage individual computers, computer networks allow these systems to communicate and share resources. Networks have transformed computing from isolated machines to interconnected systems, enabling the creation of technologies like the internet.

CS3.301 Operating Systems and Networks, IIIT Hyderabad

Types of Networks

Networks come in various sizes and scopes:

  • Personal Area Networks (PAN)
  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)

The internet itself is a massive interconnected network of networks, spanning the globe and connecting billions of devices.

Key Components of Networks

Networks consist of several crucial components:

  • Hosts: The end devices like computers, smartphones, or servers that run applications.
  • Routers and Switches: Devices that direct data traffic between different parts of the network.
  • Transmission Lines: The physical media (like fiber optic cables or wireless signals) that carry data between devices.
  • Protocols: Agreed-upon rules that govern how devices communicate, ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer.

The Evolution of Networking

The history of computer networking is fascinating, with roots in projects like ARPANET, which laid the groundwork for the modern internet. Key developments include:

  • The creation of the TCP/IP protocol suite, which became the standard for network communication.
  • The development of sockets in BSD Unix, making network programming more accessible.
  • The introduction of the Domain Name System (DNS), allowing us to use human-readable website names instead of IP addresses.


Operating Systems and Computer Networks form the foundation of our digital world. They work together to create the seamless, interconnected computing experience we often take for granted. As we continue to explore this course, we’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of these systems, uncovering the ingenious solutions developed to address the challenges of modern computing.

Whether you’re a budding software developer, a curious tech enthusiast, or simply someone who wants to understand the technology you use every day, grasping these fundamental concepts will provide you with valuable insights into the digital landscape that shapes our world.

Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll explore the fascinating world of process management in operating systems!

These articles are inspired by the Operating Systems and Networks (OSN) course taught at IIIT Hyderabad.

List of articles for OS&N :

  1. Introduction to Operating systems and Networks
  2. Process Virtualization: Creating the Illusion
  3. The Art of Juggling Processes: Unraveling Process Virtualization Mechanisms
  4. Process Scheduling Policies : Part 1
  5. Process Scheduling Policies : Part 2
  6. Networking Fundamentals: Connecting Processes Across Machines
  7. Understanding Networking from Layers to Sockets

I feel extremely happy sharing all this knowledge and do let me know if this article has helped you.

Thank you for reading, I hope this article helped you

Aditya Raghuvanshi ( IIIT Hyderabad, INDIA )

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Aditya Raghuvanshi

AI researcher | NLP and Speech processing | IIIT Hyderabad