How to Look Younger at 40 - Naturally in just 14 Days

Tanya Wilson
8 min readSep 10, 2022


After spending my life researching on how to look younger naturally and maintaining it, I present to you this article, on what has worked for myself, and my family and friends who have tried this, and continue to do so today; on how to look younger at 40.

Although this article is titled “How to Look Younger at 40” — it is still written for all age groups from 20s all the way up to 60s and 70s in mind. The only difference being, the response time your body will make to create those changes.

The graphic below summarizes this article on the very basic regime required to start looking younger — this is the platform you will build on — it is not the end all — but is an important solid foundation to your beauty and youthful looks — as a man or women.

The above is the foundation to a looking younger regime for any age group — the key is in the consistency of doing the above except for the diet which is a temporary diet; read on for further information on the diet aspect of it.

Just watch any movie from the black and white movies era — teenagers actually looked much older then they do today. Some might even argue, they they looked like they were in their 30s or 40s.

Some communities from developing countries still have teenagers that look much older than their age when compared to other countries — what caused this?

During the industrial revolution in England, it was not easy to just have a bath — because water distribution, as well as heated water was very limited unlike today.

Today we have heated water, and good water supply in most of our homes — this alone has improved skin and youthful appearance by a landslide!

We also have access to good quality soap to remove our dead skin cells to keep a fresh and youthful appearance. Although today, some of have been over-sold cleansers and soaps, its important to be sensible when using any product — and especially not to over-use any product, especially creams or soaps.

Taoist Soap for Looking Younger at 40

The Taoist soap is an excellent daoist herbal soap formula designed for the scalp and skin — it can be used to support better hair growth, but also keep skin clean, detoxed, and at the right PH balance it needs to be — but as mentioned — you have to be sensible — you cannot over-use it, thinking more is better — thats not how it works — you use according to how it suits you — and usually for most people I have seen, it works best around 2 times a week, to 3 times a week use for scalp or skin.

I have talked about this soap in detail in my article here on medium, titled : “Hair Thickening Products that Actually Work” — although this article is more focus on hair thickening, that too is part of helping looking younger, as good hair is an important aspect of that.

Anti-Oxidants for Looking Younger Fast

Anti-oxidants are one of the most important type of supplements, as well as basic good quality vitamins, to help maintain cellular youthfulness. Cellular level youth is providing the body what it needs, and cannot replace internally, and delivering it at the right place at the right time (after a meal).

The key to taking antioxidants is in lower doses, and consistently — and having enough types of them in one go (separately taking them does not do the effect needed — and this is never understood by the people buying them).

The following anti-oxidants for helping look younger at any age, and maintaining a youthful appearance are as follows:

  • Vitamin C (50mg)
  • Asthaxanthin 6mg and Zeaxanthin 12 mg
  • Omega 3, 6 and 9 (low dosage 50mg each).

The above is a basic foundation for supporting your body, skin and hair growth — and even reverse cellular aging to a good extent when taken for more than 3 months at least from my experience; i say this because I have noticed that youthful starry eyed look on month 3; sometimes I notice is in the first month.

Bonus Below: These Facebook groups are a great way to stay updated on the best natural ways to looking younger at 40 and maintaining it.

There are a few good Facebook groups that discuss forming your own formulas or buying your own vitamins and antioxidants to support youthfulness, and looking younger — they are free to join and converse — I highly recommend them — they are as follows:

These groups may not have as many users in them as you would expect, but the active users are highly qualified members, who have an interest in the science of vitamins and antioxidants for use in keeping our bodies younger looking for longer.

Meditation for the Ultimate Youthful State, mentally and physically

Meditation is the most under-rated youth enhancing tool that is essential to your well being in terms of looks and emotional well being.

It is understood that emotions and hormones go hand in hand — it is also understood that an imbalance of hormones, can affect nutrition absorption — which leads to an inevitable decline in our youthful appearance.

If you can maintain your hormones, you can better maintain your hormones — and the key to this is regular, mundane meditation. Your job is just to sit still, and breath.

You do not have to be sitting cross legged — but it helps — the point is to sit still and as thoughts come, you let them go, more come, and you let them go — its a process and you are not always meant to feel great afterwards — sometimes after meditation, you feel worse — its a cleansing of the mind, which then affects the body.

A Harvard medical study has found meditation just for 15 minutes a day, for 8 weeks, affected 172 genes in the bodyyou can find the study here.

So sit still, breath — focus on your breath, allow the noises around you to go past you — allow the thoughts to go by — keep doing it as routine everyday — you won’t even realize when changes have been made permanently.

Protein Diet for Looking Younger at 40

“…I have seen my grandmother at 75, start looking youthful and glowy, with this method alone…”

The protein diet is the key to helping support a very youthful appearance at 40 and beyond, and to maintain it. This is not a permanent diet, but you need to do it long enough to get the benefits, and it depends on your current symptoms and signs of aging you are already experiencing if any.

The diet involves eating lean red meat, with cooked leafy greens — for at least 3–6 months, depending on severity of ageing symptoms. I have seen my grandmother at 75, start looking youthful and glowy, with just this method alone, so do not take this lightly.

After this diet, usually people stay on a lean 70% protein and 29 percent carb, with 1% fat diet — to keep maintaining — and then adjust back if they feel like they need to get back on the diet.

This diet is literally only red meat and leafy greens — you can add egg white for breakfast, but you must be snacking every 2 hours to prevent having a low blood sugar crash — of course consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions.

This diet not only forces insulin to reset, but also helps support building better hormone distribution. Although it is not for weight loss you will still notice weight loss in a good way.

Side note: the harder this diet is for you to do, the more you need it. I was told this by my oriental medical doctor in London.

Massage for Transforming and Looking Younger

Massage to Look younger at 40 and Beyond

You already know exercise stimulates circulation — and you already know you should be getting in some exercise 3–4 times a week, be it walking, doing some light cardio, and some light body weight exercises — this is already understood — so this is why this point has not been listed in this article — but massage is another tool to add to your regime, to boost circulation and break up any blockages you might have.

The best type of massage in my experience is the Thai massage where they walk on your back — but to be honest, the whole point is to move blood — and all massages move blood. So yes, move blood — you can self massage, or go to a massage spa, and get a good hour or 2 of massage in, ideally once or twice a month.

The other type of massage you can do, is facial massage — by using a tablespoon (stainless steel), and pushing from center of face to an outwards direction, and even pressing with medium pressure on the eyes (with eyelids closed of course). This type of massage can be done daily for just 5 minutes a day — it boosts circulation, and prevents wrinkles from worsening, and even may reverse some wrinkles that have formed — but this varies and depends on each person.


Looking younger at any age is possible with the right nutrition, regime and attitude towards life — those 3 are vital to getting the best results. Most people have an issue in each of those areas, even if they think they eat healthy, most people do not. Even if they think they have a great healthy lifestyle, they usually do not.

For example, there are people obsessed with jogging — they are often very narrow, slim, and are jogging very lightly at the same pace. This is not healthy necessarily — their muscles thin out from repetitive exercise at the same pace, and this includes their heart muscle — leading to heart failure. You have to mix it up a little, and not just stay with one type of method, or at least change the intensity up and down a little.

If you have any thoughts and tips on how you carry out your regime for a youthful appearance, please do share below — and if you tried something that didn't work for you, also do let me know below.

