Tap Fantasy S3 Updates Overview

Tap Fantasy
Published in
7 min readOct 15, 2022

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Change is a prerequisite for success.

Reset Adjustment

  1. Things in old seasons will be kept and can be directly used :
  • Characters;
  • NFTs;
  • The Chat Bubbles;
  • Tokens(Gold/Silver/Copper Coin, Magic Crystals, Tap Token, Diamonds in mobile versions);
  • Name Change Cards;
  • Elemental crystals(tickets) for all levels of Rifts;
  • Rift Team ticket for Slime Rifts;
  • The fish you got in “Fishing Game”;
  • The monsters you summon in “Demon Expedition”;
  • The NFT-aimed materials you got in “Lucky Slot”;
  • All Keys for Chests without output of equipment(ie. Jewel Keys; Goddess Keys; Angel Connection Keys)

2. Things in old season will be kept but locked for a certain period
Output of Rifts:

  • Copper Keys — Unlocked in 21 days — 20 unlocked at most every time
  • Silver Keys — Unlocked in 28 days — 20 unlocked at most every time
  • Gold Keys — Unlocked in 28 days — 20 unlocked at most every time
  • Lucky Point — Unlocked in 42 days — 20 unlocked at most every time

Output of Abyss Demon Dragon:

  • Friendship Keys — Unlocked in 28 days — 20 unlocked at most every time
  • Demon Keys — Unlocked in 42 days — 20 unlocked at most every time
  • Abyss Keys — Unlocked in 56 days — 20 unlocked at most every time

3. Things in the old season that will be reset:

  • Resetting the CDs of “Blademaster” & “Jeweler”
  • The content of world exploration(All CheckMaps, Teleport Points, Dungeon, Docks and Goddess Statues will become unactivated)
  • AP: The maximum AP will be reset to 30
  • The level of characters
  • Gem Pass becomes inactivated; Rewards in Gem Pass reset
  • Rankings in Colosseum
  • Resetting the transaction history in the market
  • Auto receives the unclaimed Gold in the market

4. Things in the old season that will be deleted:

  • Everything besides 1&2&3

5. Additional notes that you should be aware

  • Among the new items, the items that will be retained in the new season are: FANTASY Token, elemental crystal, abyss tickets, the core of mana, NFT exchange items obtained from Lotto Gacha.
  • Among the new items, the ones that will be cleared at the end of the season are: Truesilver, Essence, Private Trading Coupon, Demon Treasure Chest, Star Spirits and other new equipments.
  • Among the newly added items, the items that will be locked for a period of time in the new season are: Lotto Points.
  • Note: In the new season, the core of Mana will no longer be able to exchange the bound FANTASY Token, Magic Crystal, and TAP Coins. Instead, it will be exchanged for equipment-Forge-&-Polish materials. And the new season’s “The Land of Alebion” will open at 28 days after the season begins. Players who need the above three bind tokens are recommended to exchange them as soon as possible before the end of the S2.
  • In “The Land of Alebion” treasure chest, unopened or open treasure chests will be cleared.
  • If you quit at the 20-Raid Boss, the team’s victory and the rewards sent by mail will be cleared, please claim it in time.
  • Compensation mail during this season (all mails not issued by functions in the game) will be cleared, please claim them in time!

Rift Adjustment

  1. The Rift of 4 element has been changed to 6 levels of difficulty, the first level is unlocked by default, and the rest of the difficulty levels can only be unlocked by killing the bosses on the previous level.
  2. All difficulties require only 6 corresponding elements to enter. Improve the element to get better keys. 6 element gets bronze key, 12 element element gets silver key, 18 element gets golden key. The higher the difficulty, the more keys you get.
  3. Removed designs that had one Rift increase and another decrease each week. Instead, choose one of the blessings that appear randomly before entering the Rift. The types of blessings are: gem production increase, key production increase, equipment production increase, AP consumption reduction
  4. Treasure chests opened with three keys of gold, silver and bronze have been adjusted. Instead of opening to get NFT skins, you can open items that can be exchanged for NFTs you want. A small amount of Magic Crystal will be consumed as a handling fee when exchanging NFTs. Exchange items can be traded.

Slime Rift Adjustment

  1. A small amount of Magic Crystal will be consumed as a handling fee to exchange NFTs.
  2. Added weekly maximum limits, each element is calculated separately.
  3. Difficulty adjusted from 17/19/20 to 16/18/20.
  4. Open when the season starts.
  5. Truesilver can only be obtained in Slime Rift.

20-Raid Boss Adjustment

  1. Cancel the previous 20-raid abyss dragon.
  2. The Seal Land has been increased to 3 difficulties, with levels 16, 18, and 20. Players need to hold 3, 6, and 12 NFTs respectively to challenge.
  3. The new ornament Lei of Lifegiver is mainly obtained here.
  4. Essence can only be obtained in Seal Land.

World Boss Adjustment

  1. World Boss will open after 14 days of the new season.
  2. It takes AP to open the treasure chest obtained in the World Boss.
  3. New ornament Brooches, new artifact Spear of Divine are mainly obtained here.

The Land of Alebion Adjustment

  1. The Land of Alebion will open after 28 days of the new season (retain the rankings before the season ends, and settle on weekends).
  2. The items exchanged for the core of Mana have been changed to new equipment forging and polishing items.
  3. Redeeming NFTs requires an additional small amount of Magic Crystal as a handling fee.
  4. Cancel the drop of the Star Spirits, and replace it with new parts of equipments such as leggings and boots. Killing other players in the Land of Alebion will no longer drop equipments.
  5. Unlocking treasure chests requires AP.

Equipment Adjustment

For more details, please click → S3 Season Equipment Changes Announcement

  1. The equipment above level 20 has been cancelled, and the equipment polishing system has been added, which can polish level 20 equipment to a maximum of +10. Polishing materials can be obtained by disenchanting equipment above level 15.
  2. Cancel the Star Spirits, change to new parts of leggings and boots.
  3. Added new Ornament types Brooch and Lei of Lifegiver.
  4. Added new Artifact type Spear of Divine.

Character & NFT Balance Adjustments

For more details, please click → S3-Character & NFT Balance Adjustments

Gem Pass Adjustment

  1. The treasure chest of the pass can now drop all types of equipment in all parts, but the probability of obtaining accessories, magic weapons, leggings, and boots is low, and the number of private transaction tickets that can be obtained each time is appropriately reduced.
  2. 40,000 gems are required to open the big treasure chest of the pass, and the number of gems obtained when stamina is consumed in high-level levels has increased.

$Gold Withdrawal Adjustment

  1. The gold coin withdrawal fee is changed to Magic Crystal. The basic handling fee is the Magic Crystal worth 1 $BUSD. The withdrawal limit will be increased by 1 point for each $Gold deposited, and the withdrawal limit will be reduced by 1 point for each $Gold withdrawn. When the withdrawal limit is 0, and continue to withdraw, the player will need to pay 35% price of the excess amount of Magic Crystals as an additional handling fee. Reduced additional processing fee to 24% for players with Gem Pass.

Colosseum Adjustment

  1. Colosseum week reward ratio: the Top 2 is increased to 12%, Top 3 is reduced to 8%, Top 11–20 is increased to 1.5%, and Top 50–100 is reduced to 0.1%
  2. 88% of the $Gold cost of buying tickets in the Rift, and 10% of $Gold cost of purchasing tickets in the Slime Rift, will be added to the weekly Colosseum $Gold prize pool.

NFT Rent System adjustment

  1. The NFT Rent System is adjusted to be valid on the rent day, that is: after the renting, if the lease term is 1 day, the leased NFT will be valid for the next day at 0:00 AM UTC.

Note: Be sure to look at time before you rent the NFT. Example: If the lease was made at 11:50 PM UTC on the previous day, the NFT will only be valid for 10 minutes (until 0:00 AM UTC the next day).

Other Optimization Adjustments

  1. Optimized the loading of official announcement channels

The above is the entire content of the Tap Fantasy adjustment in the S3 , see you in the S3 season!



Tap Fantasy

Tap Fantasy is an MMORPG blockchain game, Building the biggest Play2Earn NFT game on BSC, Come Tap for Golds!