Details for Changemaker Summit 2017

Tara Byrne
2 min readJan 6, 2017


Dear Changemakers,

2017 is destined to be a year in history we won’t soon forget. In 2016, inequalities and injustices across the world were highlighted in media like never before, yet we have an elected world leader likely to turn a blind eye to these issues. So many problems in 2016 are yet to be remedied– Flint Water Crisis, Battle of Aleppo, Standing Rock, the list goes on. In such an increasingly connected world, we must take action on our solutions together.

This year, Changemaker Summit will be held September 8th to the 10th in the Big Apple. Just like last Summit, we will provide an education tailored to Misfits. Changemaker University will host classes from top alternative learning programs around the globe, like Watson University and Minerva Schools at KGI. The Class Tracks you can take this year are the same as last Summit’s– Communication, Business Operations, Social Entrepreneurship, and S.T.E.M. Based on feedback, we’ve decided to make our classes as peer-led as possible since each Changemaker brings a vast amount of knowledge to contribute to the classroom. Instead of having someone talk at you, we want you to take ownership of your learning with a burning curiosity and excitement.

We’re also bringing back Connect Workshops to raise levels of self-awareness even higher. Our facilitators and coaches will walk you through exercises that help maximize the highs and minimize the lows of life so you can do the work that matters most to you. The depth of our online support groups will seem like nothing compared to what we deliver in person.

And because we’d rather go deep than wide with the lasting impact we wish to have on Changemakers, our event will be capped at 250 attendees. Our first 50 tickets are on sale now for Changemakers who want to secure their spot at a super early bird price. You can apply now to also qualify for international discounts and need-based scholarships. It takes less than 10 minutes and will give you access to our earliest pricing.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

P.S. Check out ways you can help make Changemaker Summit a reality. There are so many more avenues to help besides volunteering on a team.

