Trevor Noah and the Privilege of ADHD — How Designer Diagnoses Cause Harm to the Rest of Us

Tara Lee
6 min readMay 3, 2023


Trevor Noah on 60 Minutes

I love Trevor Noah. He is funny and kind and comes across as humble and self-aware. Unfortunately, as with many people who rise to fame following a challenging past, he is prone to vulnerability and gullibility.

Like the rest of us, Trevor desperately wants to belong, to fit in, to be seen and heard and understood. Belonging is a universal need. When that need is not met on a regular basis, we are all prone to spiraling into “insanity” — but not all insanity is created equal — as the corrupt DSM-5 so clearly illustrates.

To develop the DSM-5, committees of mental health experts made decisions about disorders based on clusters of symptoms. However, these experts carried with them implicit cultural biases about which behaviors should be considered normal versus abnormal. Most significantly, however, the experts were not aware of their own biases, which in practice has led to arbitrary, and often invalid, diagnoses.

Clusters of symptoms” can be easily identified by looking at the four categories of trauma responses and realizing that we all respond to trauma in the same basic ways — a combination of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. Post-traumatic stress is universal. Post-traumatic-stress-DISORDER (PTSD) occurs when we are unable to fully process our trauma. Complex-PTSD occurs when many tiny unaddressed traumas accumulate over years and years, often unrecognized as trauma — “death by a 1000 paper cuts”.

Complex-Trauma Healing

The differences between the symptomatology of ADHD and ODD — Oppositional Defiant Disorder — are negligible and open to bias. Can you guess which type of children are offered an ADHD diagnosis and which ones have an ODD diagnosis forced on them?

Is it any wonder people wear their ADHD diagnoses like badges of honor? It’s a perfect excuse to separate themselves from those “others” — the defective, oppositional people who defy (aka — try to protect themselves from) authority.

The ADHD misdiagnosis becomes even more damaging when parents mistakenly believe they have passed their own ADHD on to their children and medicate them for a condition that doesn’t exist. This behavior is reminiscent of the bizarre Munchausen By Proxy cases I witnessed as a pediatric nurse — but when promulgated by the experts in charge, what choice do the parents have?

This is psychiatric betrayal at its worse — experts who stick to a narrative even when the scientic evidence is not there. The professionals who are supposed to be helping us, become our unknowing abusers. Their well-meaning but invalidating words create cognitive dissonance and severe shame in both the professional and their victims, perpetuating the vicious shame spiral and causing ripples of complex-trauma.

“Othering” (labeling) is the equivalent of dehumanization. Aren’t we better than that? Shouldn’t our psychiatric system be better than that?

Labels separate us into categories and create stigma. Compassion means recognizing our shared humanity and treating all vulnerable human beings as the trauma survivors we are. It’s now up to society to break the stigma. The experts have failed us.

Modern psychiatry has proven that the “experts” are incapable of compassion. Thier hubris and lack of empathy are evident in the way they dole out diagnoses without a solid understanding of why their patients are struggling. Their refusal to pay attention to the real experts speaks volumes. Informed consent becomes meaningless when the “information” is so faulty.

Experts have even taken to diagnosing people who are no longer alive — talk about hubris! I wonder what John Lennon and Albert Einstien would feel about their ADHD diagnoses. Would Vincent Van Gogh reject his post-mortem schizophrenia diagnoses as Edvard Munch rejected his diagnosis while alive?

Famous People with ADHD

Let us not forget all the amazing humans lost to suicide. Might they still be alive if we’d recognized and treated their complex-PTSD before it was too late?

The sooner we accept that mental health diagnoses are actually trauma responses to Complex-PTSD, the sooner we can start treating all people as human beings and not as diagnoses that divide us into groups.

As ADHD does not reach the required evidence base to be considered a ‘diagnosis’, it is not surprising that there has been a failure to find any specific and/or characteristic biological abnormality such as characteristic neuroanatomical, genetic or neurotransmitter abnormalities. Unlike the myths that have been spread to spur an ADHD industry on, the scientific reality is that we have a cupboard empty of confirming evidence and full instead of ‘junk’ scientism.

The only real difference between someone diagnosed with ADHD and someone diagnosed with ODD is that they’ve developed different trauma-responses.

ADHD = flight and fawn

ODD = flight and fight

And you can do this for every single diagnosis in the DSM:

Depression = freeze

Anxiety, OCD, etc. = flight

Bipolar = freeze/fawn (depression) to flight/fight (mania)

NPD = fight/fawn

Borderline, schizophrenia, etc = all of the above

Addiction = mainly flight (escape from the pain), but also self-medication (we are drawn to the substances that alleviate our trauma-responses: food & alcohol for freeze, caffeine & nicotine & cocaine for flight, opioids & ecstasy for fawn)

The one-size-fits-all treatment for complex-PTSD is simple — it’s called compassion, not false compassion as peddled by the experts, but fierce compassion that arises from understanding the power of our own narcissism.

Fierce self-compassion [healthy narcissism] doesn’t simply mean changing ourselves. It also means changing the systems that cause us harm. — Kristin Neff

Healthy narcissism is an essential part of self-compassion — it is the yang (fierce) component of self-compassion that motivates us towards self-protection and self-actualization.

The experts have failed to help us. It’s now up to us to help ourselves. Those of us burdened with stigmatized diagnoses need celebrities to dig deep on their own compassion and recognize the harm you are causing the rest of us. Let’s work together to change the systems that are causing us harm.

Please stop othering us so we can #breakthestigma for all.



Tara Lee

I am an adventuring mom and nurse, finding my way back to vitality, power, and peace after a brush with bipolar disorder. I write for healing and connection.