Secrets to Launching a Successful Brand

3 min readMar 7, 2023


Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

From a young age, I’ve always dreamed of launching my own brand. Over the years, I’ve made plenty of mistakes and learned some valuable lessons.

Sometimes, I like to catch up with friends at cozy cafes in quieter areas. These cafes are often located in prime spots with ample open space, providing a respite from the bustle of the city. However, I’ve noticed that the prices can be steep — often double what you would pay at a regular cafe. Despite this, these cafes seem to be doing well, even when more modest options are available nearby.

This got me thinking about the importance of location in building a successful brand and setting prices. Consider Starbucks, for example — a well-known coffee chain that’s not accessible to everyone. You’re more likely to find Starbucks in affluent, urban areas, rather than rural or suburban locales. It’s a simple fact that location can make or break a brand.

But there are exceptions, of course. I recently discovered a shop called the One Dollar Shop that sells a range of quality home goods, as well as perfumes and skincare products, all for just one dollar. What’s interesting is that you won’t find this shop in any fancy shopping malls — instead, it’s situated in areas where middle-class families reside. And yet, it’s doing remarkably well.

It’s not just about location, though. I’ve also noticed how much of a difference branding and marketing can make. Door-to-door salesmen, for example, put a lot of effort into persuading customers to buy their products, often negotiating on the spot. Despite this, their wares are usually quite affordable. By contrast, branded products with similar features can cost significantly more in retail stores, but customers are still willing to pay for the perceived value of the brand.

I experienced this firsthand when I purchased a pair of shoes from a brand called Step-Shop, which cost me $25. Unfortunately, the quality of the shoes turned out to be poor, and they didn’t last very long. My father, on the other hand, purchased a pair of hand-made shoes for just $10, and they’ve become his favorite pair. The lesson here is that quality is more important than a brand name — and it doesn’t always come with a high price tag.

In fact, I read an interesting piece in Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” that explains how tourists often pay inflated prices for souvenirs and other items in traditional locations, even though they could purchase the same items for a fraction of the cost elsewhere.

When it comes to building a brand, it’s essential to consider all aspects of the environment — the people, the product, and the location. Blindly following a motivational speaker’s advice can lead to failure, so it’s important to do your own research and make informed decisions. But with careful planning and execution, anyone can succeed as an entrepreneur.

Thanks for reading.

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