Development Update August 31, 2018

Taylor French
2 min readAug 31, 2018


For the majority of this week, the Oyster development team continued work on many of the items outlined in our previous post, which we encourage our community members to check out if they have not read the post already. Also, the team has started working on the implementation of Rev2, which contains the first steps towards making media streaming possible on the Oyster platform, as well as protect the platform from garbage data attacks. Furthermore, Oyster will begin to store data on Amazon S3, allowing the Oyster platform to support bigger and faster uploads because the uploaded data will be stored somewhere other than the broker node itself (this will not affect the configurable key:value storage option on the broker nodes who choose not to use Amazon S3). With Rev2, the broker node will immediately attach metadata chunks to support frontend changes to resume uploads as well. Currently, the team is compiling test vector data from the Rev2 Python reference implementation to compare results with the JavaScript implementation of Rev2 once the methods have been ported over.

Oyster is also happy to announce that the redesign of the Oyster main site will be going live soon, and have included a few screenshots of the new website design below. The new website will contain much of the information from the older site, but across many pages, as opposed to the single page layout of the current site. By splitting the information across several pages, and decreasing the scrollable space, the new website design will offer a much more favorable experience to those visiting the Oyster website.

The new whitepaper section of the Oyster website redesign.

Additionally, we will be moving our blog posts from Medium to WordPress to optimize Oyster’s blog indexing across different search engine results. Oyster will release a followup update once the new site design is live.

A portion of the new ad revenue page of the Oyster website redesign.

As always, we encourage our community to post any questions or comments regarding these development updates to our Reddit or Telegram channel.

