Protecting Families

Taylor Young
3 min readSep 29, 2017


In my first week at Bankers Life, I learned two things. 1) Life Insurance is simultaneously the most necessary and boring product I have ever learned and 2) the key to selling insurance is to never say you are selling insurance.

Why is Life Insurance Necessary?

There are several checks we have become accustom to writing every month. When we write our mortgage check, we immediately follow that with our home owners or renter’s insurance check. We know to insure our house, for the unforeseen and the unthinkable. We follow those with the car payment and car insurance check. We know to insure our cars not for the unforeseen and unthinkable but for the inevitable. Why then do we insure our cars, our homes, even our health expenses, but not our lives? The logic for home and car insurance does not regularly correlate to insuring our own lives, but it should. You might think, what’s the point? And I understand, others have felt the exact same way, but what they have found that it is not a ruse but rather an excellent investment, even if there is not a return. It is not an exciting or wonderful feeling to write a check for life insurance when there is no guaranteed return, this is true. Especially if you chose to invest in term insurance which does not build cash value over the term of the policy. But the peace of mind is worth it. What will happen to your spouse if you die, and they depend on you to pay the mortgage? What will happen to your children if you are killed in an accident? An even worse thought, how will you handle the expenses that come with an untimely event, should one of your children die? While an additional check to write every month might not be appealing, it is important. Just as purchasing a new roof in not appealing, it is important if yours is damaged.

Sell Life Insurance Without Saying Life Insurance?

So how do we get people to see the value in something that just sounds like another bill, another grown up responsibility you want no part of. You describe what it is.

I am in the business of helping families. I do this by sitting down with people and understanding their goals for the future, their current financial situations and what they hope for their legacy. Families are important. Their medical and financial stability in unforeseen circumstances is important. It is important to protect families by protecting their future. Life insurance is what protects families. Life insurance is important.

It is my job to make sure that every individual understands why life insurance is important for them and their loved ones. It is not just for baby boomers who are entering the retirement market. It is for college graduates who want to prepare for retirement income. It is for young families who want to prepare for the children’s future education. It it for anyone and everyone who wants to prepare for the future by protection of current assets and future potential assets through life insurance policies.

Family by Kat Grigg licensed by CC BY 2.0

